Chapter 19

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Im so sorry that this has taken me so long to write, ijust got a new lapop... hope you enjoy


Rhiannon did not say another word. Instead she buried her face in her hands and sobbed endlessly. Damon could feel the heartbreak that was radiating through her mind. Though he tried to soothe her to the best of his ability, but she seemed mostly unresponsive.

"Rhi? Listen to me. Rowan loved you. He told me to tell you that, he wanted you to know," Damon managed to choke out, his voice breaking from the transfer of her heartache. He stroked her hair lovingly and sanguinely wished his words would bring her some sort of comfort, but she only seemed to cry harder. Damon had never been good with tears, his first instinct was normally to leave the room at the first sign of them, but this was Rhiannon.

Damon knew that Rowan had been the only 'father' that Rhiannon had ever known, and now he was gone. Damon tried to relate to her grief the best that he could, but his own father and the circumstances of his death weren't exactly comparable to Rowan's.

Rowan had selflessly sacrificed himself to save him, undoubtedly for Rhiannon's happiness, but still Damon did not take it lightly. Rhiannon had fulfilled what she had always been destined to do, but now she had lost something irreplaceable, and she was broken. Damon felt helpless, and that was something he hated.

Alaric stepped inside and saw the scene at the top of the stairs. Rhiannon's knees were drawn into her chest, still crying but not quite as hysterically as she had been. Damon's face contorted with anguish as he looked on at her.

"Damon…" Ric said.

Reluctantly, Damon turned his head away from Rhiannon and forced his pained eyes to look at Ric.

"We need to take her home," Ric stated simply, and Damon nodded slowly.

Damon rose to his feet and was about to pick Rhiannon up when he remembered Elijah. He averted his eyes over to the suited, daggered Original, and Ric knew what he was thinking.

"You want to un-dagger him, don't you?" Ric sighed. He slightly disapproved of this, as the Originals had done nothing but cause complete hell and mayhem since they returned to Mystic Falls. If it were left up to Alaric to decide, all their asses would be daggered and dusted.

Damon recognized the disagreeable tone in Ric's voice and glared at him.

"What? Its not like any of this was really Elijah's fault. Klaus set both of us up when he figured out Elijah was conspiring against him."

"Hey, man, its your call," Ric said, throwing his hands up. "Just don't come running to me when he starts trying to kill you."

Damon rolled his eyes at Ric's half-baked prediction, and then looked down at Rhiannon. Though she had stopped crying, she seemed nearly catatonic. "Whatever. Look, do you think you can manage carrying her outside? Or is a 115lb girl too heavy for you?"

"I saved your ass just now, didn't I?" Ric scoffed.

"Yeah, a regular caped crusader, aren't you? Too bad my brain's still fried. Maybe if you knew the meaning of the word 'hustle,' Rhi wouldn't have gotten staked."

"And I repeat. I. Saved. Your. Ass," Alaric reiterated his point.

"And?" Damon asked sarcastically. He knew Ric wanted a 'thank you.' Damon knew he deserved one. But he hated when Ric got like this.

"Are you really that incapable of showing gratitude?" Ric asked, knowing that Damon was about to cave. Ric rarely got Damon to bow to anything he said, so he was going to savor it.

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