Chapter 31

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3rd POV

Rhiannon had just retrieved her cell phone from the kitchen when she heard overheard loud shouting echoing from the main room of the bar.

"I'm looking for the bitch that killed my brother!"

Rhi realized automatically the identity of the voice, and smiled wickedly to herself. Rebekah had been the one who had carried out Klaus' command to have all the druids, including Rhi's mother Isolde, executed under the pretense of heresy. Rhiannon hated Rebekah nearly as much as she hated Klaus, and the new knowledge that she had slept with Damon didn't exactly warm her to the blonde vampire. After all these years, Rhi knew she would finally get the chance to kill Rebekah, and she welcomed the opportunity. She paused to regret her decision not to conceal any of her regularly-equipped wooden stakes, and stared down at her platform heels, lamenting her decision to wear them in lieu of her trusty wooden-heeled black boots.

Just before Rhiannon could dash out into the main room, she heard Alaric's voice, slightly garbled with drunkenness and exhaustion, mumbling an obscenity under his breath.

Damn! Rhi thought to herself.

She had trained for years, centuries even. She was highly skilled in offensive combat, and knew exactly how to kill an Original vampire. But what Rhiannon had never prepared for was protecting anyone, especially not anyone as fragile as a human. And Rhi doubted very seriously that the life of Damon's friend, a high school history teacher who moonlighted as a vampire hunter, mattered much to Rebekah.

Rhi knew Alaric's safety took precedence over any desire for revenge she may have. Her phone vibrated in her hand, alerting her with a new text message from Damon.

Be there in about 15 min. Ready for a perfect ending to a perfect night? ;) -Damon

The thought of Damon arriving at a time like this only added to Rhi's anxiety. How could she kill Rebekah while protecting Damon and Alaric?


Ric watched as the door to leading to the kitchen suddenly swung open with such force it cracked down the center as it collided with the wall. Rhiannon burst through the threshold, with a sinister expression reminiscent of the one he had seen on her face the night she killed Klaus. Ric's phone vibrated incessantly inside his pocket, and reluctantly he pulled it out to examine the caller ID.

It was Damon.

As inconspicuously as he could manage, Alaric pressed the 'talk' button to answer the call, but said nothing as he quietly slid down in the booth to shield himself from sight.

"Hey, ass-hat! You know I can hear you breathing, right?" came Damon's voice on the line.

"Yeah… about that…" Ric began in a hushed tone, ignoring Damon's jibing. "We've got a problem."

Damon's humor vanished as he shifted into serious mode instantly. "What happened?"

"Barbie Klaus and one of her brothers from hell just showed up," Alaric whispered.

"You have GOT to be kidding me!" Damon groaned. "Where's Rhi? Is she alright?"

"Don't worry, I'm on it," Ric promised him before ending the call.


"Well, well. Look who's finally decided to join us?'' Rebekah smirked as she surveyed Rhiannon.

"What do you want?" Rhi spat back through her bared teeth.

"Temper, temper," Kol chimed in, as he left Rebekah's side to approach Rhiannon, strolling toward her casually. "You really are quite the exquisite little thing, aren't you? Now that I see you for myself, I suppose its not so hard to imagine why my brothers were so taken with you all those years ago."

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