Chapter 6

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First part of this chapter is from Damon's POV and will be backed up to where he (in his crow form) watched Rhiannon (in her panther form) enter the trap door to Leamineagh. I hope you guys don't get frustrated or confused at the POV changes, but sometimes 3rd person just doesn't grasp all the character's feelings, at least not the way I write, anyway. Hope you enjoy it!


Damon's POV

It was times like these, when I was perched daintily on a branch, staring at a huge ass cat, that I wished the animal I could shift into was a tad more intimidating than a crow.

I had a thousand different questions in my mind. Most of them had to do with Rhiannon, but I shoved them away and attempted to focus on the task at hand. I was certain that this creature was spying on me from the moment I saw it outside the Boarding House. Initially I had thought it had something to do with Klaus, but the cat didn't smell like any of that bastard's minions. The cat actually smelled ... pleasant.

This was all too much weirdness, even for me. I knew at that moment I was either going to give up drinking all together or do a whole lot more of it.

The enormous black cat had halted to look around at its surroundings. I ruffled my feathers and tried to appear inconspicuous. Should I whistle? No, crows don't whistle, you idiot. My curiosity piqued when I watched the feline glance right at me, with a very familiar shade of green eyes, before it disappeared through a hidden door.

Just what I need. Another twist. What the hell is going on?

I waited awhile, but the animal did not re-emerge from the door. I guess its now or never. I spread my wings to coast to the ground. There was a haze of fog, and I landed on the forest floor on my own two feet. I exhaled, and ran my hand through my hair, instantly grateful I was no longer covered in feathers, and that my heightened senses were back. I walked over to the same spot where the green-eyed creature had gone, and raised the camouflaged door and lowered myself through it. As soon as the door closed behind me my sight was gone, and I was seeing another reality.

Another vision.

This one was different, longer. Rhiannon and I were in my father's carriage, enjoying a late afternoon ride through the forest. Then I heard the voices of men, shouting, and felt the abrupt stop of the carriage. I heard a gunshot sound, and knew that the driver had just been killed.

I felt my instinct to protect Rhiannon kick in. Regretfully I remembered that I was unarmed, but I knew that I would still protect her with my life. I would allow no harm to come to her while there was still breath in my body. I looked into her green eyes, expecting to see terror, but I saw none. Instead, I saw that her eyes mirrored mine: full of the need to protect.

"Stay here," Rhiannon pleaded with me quietly. "Promise me that you will stay here."

Before I could nod or give any sign of agreement, her lips were on mine. She kissed me ferociously, and then vanished from my sight. It wasn't until I heard the terrified cries of the men outside that I realized where she had gone.

Hurriedly, I exited the carriage. Four of the six men were now dead, scattered around us. I was watching her snap the neck of the fifth, when she looked up in horror to see me watching. A smart man would be scared, but I couldn't find an ounce of fear in me. Before I could say anything to her, a gunshot rang out, and I heard Rhiannon scream out.

But it was not she who was hurt. I groaned as I felt the bullet rip through my left shoulder. I staggered and fell backwards, but Rhiannon's arms caught me before I hit the ground.

Then the vision faded and my true sight returned to me. This was just getting too weird. Looks like I am gonna be forced to ask Rhiannon what all these visions mean.

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