Chapter 11

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This chapter is only covering the conversation between Rowan & Elijah. Yeah, I know. I'm delaying the goodness that is Damon & Rhiannon. Don't worry, its coming. The Rowan/Elijah interaction is pretty crucial to the storyline. Enjoy!


3rd POV

Rowan walked slowly to keep pace with Elijah, who still seemed to be in a great deal of pain from the wound Rhiannon had inflicted on him.

She must have been closer to his heart than she thought, Rowan thought, amused. Elijah is an Original, and that boot heel is fashioned from ordinary wood. If he is having this much trouble recovering from the blow, what the Saoirse told me must be true.

Saoirse was the high priestess of the druid circle that Isolde belonged to. Saoirse was also Isolde's aunt. She despised all vampires, but hated Klaus more than any other. The high priestess conjured a spell that had blessed Rhiannon (while still in the womb) with the power to slay Klaus by staking him with any type of wood. And by the looks of things, the spell also had a similar effect on Klaus' siblings, the other Originals.

"You appear to have kept up with the times well," Elijah began, gesturing towards Rowan's dark cropped hair and dark wash jeans and navy blue Henley.

Rowan looked down at his clothes and fought back a smile. He knew if it wasn't for Rhiannon he would still be running around in that ridiculous 15th century garb. If it was his mission in his undead life to train Rhiannon for her encounter with Klaus, her mission was to keep him current.

"As have you," Rowan replied, taking in Elijah's impeccable suit. "But I know that is not why you wish to speak with me." Rowan knew that he and Elijah had never been friends, and he knew that this impromptu conversation had more to do with Isolde and Rhiannon than anything else.

Elijah nodded his head, appreciating Rowan's directness. He still was not feeling well, so he stopped to lean against a tree. "The child bears a remarkable resemblance to her mother. I am sure you have noticed."

"Rhiannon looks exactly like Isolde. I would be a fool not to notice it," Rowan said, partly disgruntled at him for stating something that was beyond obvious.

"Are the two of you romantic?" Elijah asked leadingly.

Rowan's face warped into a look of disgust. "I suppose that is precisely what I would expect you to surmise. No, to answer your question. The love I had for Isolde went far behind her physical attributes, so I could never love Rhiannon the same way. She is my pupil, and has never been anything more."

Elijah eyed him suspiciously. "Surely you must be joking."

Rowan's first instinct was to be outraged at Elijah's comment and interest in this subject. But he reminded himself that he had had several hundred years to grow used to Rhiannon's likeness to Isolde, and that Elijah had only just discovered it. Rowan took a deep breath and then answered.

"Of course it can be. Sometimes, for a moment, you can actually believe you are looking at Isolde. But she is not her mother," Rowan began, then looked directly at Elijah. "And though you should have been able to determine this on your own, Rhiannon is quite taken with the Salvatore boy. She will not tolerate any harm to come to him."

Elijah sniffed. "I do not wish any him any harm, and I, myself, am not a danger to him. However, Niklaus is. And Damon is reckless and foolish beyond words. He has been completely careless in his actions."

"Why did you come to warn him about Niklaus?" Rowan asked.

Elijah deliberated for a moment, not sure if he wanted to clue Rowan in on his scheme or not, but ultimately decided that Rowan hated Niklaus as much as anyone.

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