Ch.5 oh my God Paris!

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Nina pov

Kaleigh, Brandy, and I were now walking around the mall just to remember the memories that we had with Michael. I then stopped my tracks to see his 18 year old daughter Paris Jackson!

"Oh my God! This is our first time meeting his teenage kids now." I squeal

"Calm down Nina, you don't wanna cause a scene to make everyone do the same way that Michael was in. "Brandy tamed me.

"Ok,ok,ok.Lets go." I took a deep breath and we walked over where she was. My heart was beating like I ran a 100 mile per hour."E-Exsuse me?" I tapped on her shoulder.

"Yes? How can I help you?" Paris turns around to face us.

"Uh....this might be a bit more comparing than I expected." I muttered to Brandy and Kaleigh.

"Talk to her." Kaleigh encourage me as I gulped.

"Hello, my name is Nina and these are my friends Brandy and Kaleigh. I have other friends kinda looking forward into meeting you." I smiled at her shyly.

"Oh really? Where are they now?" She asked

"Uh, I think they are trying to find your brother's perhaps?" Brandy said anxiously.

"Oh, they are at the other side of I know you or is it-" Kaleigh cuts her off.

"It's just an illusion your seeing Paris. Oooooohhhhh!" She said in a ghostly scarce.

"Kaleigh....that's not helping us out of this at all." I told her as she stopped.

"Are you trying to set me up with what ever you three are doing? "Paris glared at us suspiciously.

"N- No! We're just trying to find you three so we can talk about if Michael is faking his death or not." Brandy stuttered.

"Why do you want to know about my dad? He is none of your concern and that happened 8 years ago." Paris scowls at us with her arms crossed.

"Well.....lets just say we're from this present of time, but only to find out the truth about Michael's death hoax." I said.

"If your from the present time now. Then, how did you kids get here without your parents or guardian?" She asked.

"Because we time traveled to be here with you guys during our lives as teens before we end up in the adult life." I explained to her.

Kyree pov

"Wah- hoo!" I yelled echoing around the mall.

Check me out on this cool skate board bruh. They really have upgraded the stuff from back then till now.

"Kyree we're suppose to be looking for Michael's teenage kids." Jai'Quan scolded me.

"Oh hold your horses. There are billions of people in the mall right now and I doubt whatever he looks like can not look exactly like-" I was cut off when I came face to the back by someone in front of me.

"Look out!" Vashaun yelled at the guy as he turned around slowly as we ran on top of each other.

We were on the ground groaning in pain from that accident that we got into.

"Sorry man. I wasn't where I was going." I apologize to him.

"No sweat and by the way that was totally awesome!" He smirked at me.

I look up to see that it was or has to be Michael's child Prince because I remember back in 2009 I can recognize the hair that has the exact resemblance as Michael was.

"Your...."I was frozen and paralyzed.

"Hey, you okay man?" He asked worried.

"Kyree!" I heard Vashuan down below us as he ran towards me helping me up back to my feet.

"Shaun, that guy right there's son Prince." I whisper in his ear as he was stiffed for a second.

"Say do I remember you too from somewhere?" He asked coming closer at our face trying to his best to remember.

"No.....but I think it's time for us to go find the others so we can get out of here." Vashuan elbow me on my hip as I went on with plan he's getting at.

"Yeah, let's go find the others." I tugged Prince's jacket to come follow us.

'Hopefully no will notice that we have completed the mission to come meet Michael's teenage children so we can get this over with.' I thought.

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