Ch.16 Such a crowd

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Bigi pov

Things like this remind me when dad tried to obtain me to pick the future I want to desire when I become an adult.

"Hey Bigi!" Nina said coming up behind me smiling.

"Oh, hey. So are you enjoying the tour around Indiana?"I ask her.

"Yeah, and for one thing I know wanted us to come here before you guys. Just to think of something that person for singing many years really puts things off when you really want to visit the old home you once started through childhood. "She sighed as she scratch her head.

"Say why haven't you've been coming to see us after that tragic day?" I ask her as she looks down sadly.

"Well.....don't get me wrong that I know how much you wanted to see your father so badly. But things turn into such a crowd that people believe he's alive or naw he dead. Ever since 2015 I decided to track down as much information about him- which I'm not stalking him. The only thing I could think of was that if this death scheme real or is it a hoax? Why? I don't know." She replied.

"I've heard the same thing about it since the year he died and they show a video of him exiting out of van. It looked like him and when I notice that may be it was just a prank it would only be something that people are trying to convince on bringing him back to life instead to let him rest in peace." I told her as she then looks at me sadly.

"You know if I haven't met your father......I wouldn't have my chance to see his concert since the day I didn't know him. I remember when I first listen to his songs since I was 5 years old to be honest." She says thinking about her memory long ago.

"You mean you've never known who my dad was in the beginning? "I asked her unbelievably.

"Nope. Not I until I did a report of him in 2014 for a project that got me a good grade. I also did another one in 2016." She said shrugging.

"I see. How long are you and your friends going to stay here since its your first day of school?" I asked her.

"Mmmmm......I'm not really sure because usually we spend like almost everyday with Michael and other famous celebrities until we decide it's time to go home. "She said and tried to think.

"Well my siblings and I have to go  back to school on September 17. Should that be the day when you guys leave and return to your school?" I suggested for her as she nods.

"Yes! That'll be perfect for us to get to know all of you better since I have seen you on Facebook very often." She chuckles embarrassed.

"Hey it's fine and I'm really glad dad had some good friends he met in the past that we didn't know you can time travel with a wand." I said enthusiasm.

"Oh I don't use this to teleport for the first time. I use this key that my grandfather gave me that allowed me to teleport." She said showing me her key.

"What about your wand?"

"Oh it's nothing I only used this to go have some free time last year when I was in the 8th grade to travel back to 1996. Including when I met Jordan Chandler and his friends, I even brought Brandy on that epic adventure with me." She told me her story.

"Wow, you and the others sure had fun traveling through time. Can you tell me all about it?" I asked her.

"Okay, I'll tell you the first time we met Michael. " she agreed. I then listen to her story that she was telling me that made me laugh and a little sad. From what I can see is that this girl really puts the fun into you to make you happy again.

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