Ch.27 We Found The Books Secret

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Nina pov

When we got back the first person I met was a broke down Brandy as she gave me a tight hug that I comforted her.

"There is no need to cry. I'm alive not dead." I joked as Prince sent me a glare.

"I- I know that Nina. I was j- j- Just worried about you." She quivered as I patted her back.

"Don't cry because they are being wasted. For now, I think this book has something to do with something that I don't know of." I smirked giving it to Brady as she flipped through the pages.

"What do you mean? Nothing is giving me no information." She said as I giggled.

"Well...ask Omer that." I narrow my eyes over at One who stood dumbfounded.


He's lost.

"Go on. Tell them what you saw." I said as he went, "uhhhhh".

"I don't think Omer is into that kind of stuff Nina." Paris said.

"But he did saw it!" I almost shouted.

"Nina, are you sure you okay?" Kyree asked.

"Yeah." I said in a dark tone.

"I hope I am not the only one seeing this. That book is glowing red!" Charlie pointed as I felt rage inside me build up.

"!?" I yelled.

"That's it. Give me the book. "Vashaun was about to snatch it out of my palms as the book opened up that began to form a tornado.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Brandy screamed.

I glared down at the book as it sucked everyone inside as I closed it and held it.

"What have I done?" I whisper crying and felled on my knees.

Prince pov

I woke up to find eveyone awake that we were back into this wonderland when we went to Indiana.

"Great, is this another world that we have to get in?" Jada asked.

"Nah, its another world that we already been in." I mocked in sarcasm.

"You mean we're back in this wonderland that we came the first time? "Bigi asked.

"Yep. Now that we know what that book is capable of; we need to look out for anything that is not safe for us to be involve in." I said as Brandy looked over my shoulder.

"You mean that large grizzly bear that's ready to attack us?" She pointed as we ran away to find a place to be safe.

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