ch.15 The Jackson's old home

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Marlon pov

I woke up with the sunshining bright as I then see down below from many years ago was the old home of where we lived at and that is Indiana.

"Wake up y'all!" I yelled making everyone groan in their sleep from the loud excitement of my voice.

"Marlon, it's 7:27 and your already awake to get out of the plane?" Jackie whined and yawned.

"Jackie we're already back in Indiana." I told him.

He shot up out of his seat like he slept over his meeting.

"W- Whaa?" He asked as he looked at his cell phone and saw the time.

"Everybody wake up and rise and shine! Get your bags ready because the Jackson's old home is back." Jackie shouted as everyone woke up from their slumber and went to get their bags.

"Why did you have to yell? I was in the middle of the biggest basketball game winner ship trophy of all time." Vashaun moaned as he rubbed his neck.

"You need to get use of the waking up call I came up with myself. "Jackie told him.

Paris pov

We all grabbed our bags until the plane has finally reached to the ground. When we all got out all I see is the young teens eyes beamed before sighting around them.

"Woah! Indiana is really something good after all." Charlie said, as he gazed around the airport for a bit until we exit out.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about the media chasing us around with lies and other crap. Look at the nature and I can hang around here man." Kyree blabbered makin us chuckle. "Look, I'm going to buy me house, a car of Chevrolet, have a full electronics inside, games, sports all of that. Let me stop before somebody think I'm greedy with all of that treasure." Kyree paused as we laughed.

"You already blurted out every detail of what you want your house to be like in the inside." Omer said

"That's because I feel like this is my place to be in. I'm coming here!" He exclaimed

"Ky, take some pictures so you won't forget." Vashaun told him as Kyree took out his cell phone and took as many as he could.

"Don't use up all your storage now. Alright let's go put our stuff at a hotel to spend the rest of our vacation spot here." Tito said.

We arrived at a hotel to stay for the night and we were separated by rooms. Men and boys/ women and girls.

"So what do you girls planned on doing today?" I asked them.

"Eh, we don't know really. Maybe you can give us a tour around here so we can come back and visit by any chance?" Jada suggested

"Fine by me." I smiled.

Prince pov

I was walking around to finally come to stop in front of my grandparents, aunt, uncles, and dad's old home. The Jackson's old home is what I'm calling it since this was the first time they ever started a career to make history.

"Boy,  I wish you here with us dad." I whisper while staring up at the clouds.

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