Ch.35 Vision of Wonders

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Paris pov

It's been a week now and we have been surviving well as I thought we could. I've notice that we've been having vision of wonders and its because of this book. It tells it all and we found out about it when we first arrived. It's dealing with all the literature of reading and writing of different genres that this man's life depends on.

Nina pov

I woke up the next morning to hear Michael screaming. I hurried myself out of the bed to go see what's wrong. As I made my way into the living room I look to see a shocked Michael standing paralysed at the window.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"The book...its..."He was lost with words that he pointed out the window to see what he's staring.

I looked out of the window to see the same the book creating a tornado outside that seemed to be sucking up everything around here.

"How did this happen!?" I freaked out.

"I don't know! I came to the kitchen and make us some breakfast and thats when a tornado was formed outside." He explained as it took part away of the wall we were close to.

We felt the wind blowing strongly that we had to back away or we'll get sucked in.

"We need a plan or everyone of us is going to die. If we can't close the book then it will suck all of us in."

That's it!

"Michael! That's it! We just need to get down there to close the book." I said, as I dragged him by the hand to get past all the falling objects to make our way outside. We looked to see people were screaming their lungs out to be sucked in.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He worried.

"Yes." I said as we steady ourselves from not letting us get inside. Michael was shaking that he was so scared that he was going to die inside of that thing.

"Its okay Michael. I know your scare, just hold my hand tight and we'll be fine." I assure him as he nodded to make our way under where the book was forming the tornado.

"What do we do?" He yelled as I held his hand.

"We shut it from taking what's ours in the world. Then we reopen it to bring everyone back." I said as he hesiated and nodded.

We were holding the book on each side and struggle to close it all the way down. As we finally shut it the tornado was gone and the sky was dim.

"Did it work?" He asked and I shrugged.

Thats when the book began to glow that we let it go as it opened itself. Bright light began to form all around us that we backed away to see it was fixing the mess it made. Not only that, it also was bringing everyone back to real world. I then saw my friends, Michael's kids, and Omer coming back.

"We did it!" I cheered as Michael smiled.

"I'm glad to see everything's back to normal again. Whatever you do, don't keep going back to the past. Look forward into the future." Michael said giving me one last hug and rushed inside of the hotel he stayed in.

"Guys!" I ran over to them happily that they were shocked to see they were back in L.A.

"How did you..."Brandy whispered.

"It's a long story that I managed to free you guys." I said as Vashaun smirked.

"Well, thanks. Now let's get back home.  I'm hungry!" He emphasized as I look back at the hotel window to see Michael waving down at me. I did the same way back.

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