Ch.14 I'm not gonna die today!

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Nina pov

It's now 5:00 a.m. and I guess it's because I'm still on the airplane awake and not sleeping soundly in this uncomfortable ride I suppose. I sat up and look around to see everyone was asleep and I'm the only one who's awake.

I get out my seat and slowly move aside from Brandy who was knocked out and I went to the bathroom to use it if I need to.

'I hope I can safely use the bathroom on this plane. Because I'm not gonna die today!' I screamed in fear of using the bathroom the first time up in the sky on a airplane.

I then heard a knock on the door and I quickly got off the stool and flushed it down the drain. I washed my hands, dry them and open the door to see Paris standing there staring at me sleepily.

"Hey Nina. I just need to use the toilet for a sec if you don't mind." She smiled sleepily.

"Not at all. You can use it." I exit out of the bathroom as she walks inside to use the toilet.

I went back to my seat and got on my phone to unlock it as I then found a picture of Michael back in 2004 when we went to Chicago to be in the music awards. I have a lot more pics of him and the others and some videos to go with it. Why do memories wash away so fast when you see the person that you were friends with are now gone?

"Nina, get some sleep because we are going to have a tour around Indiana for a bit."Paris whispered to me as she went back to her seat where her cousins were.

I look at the dark sky as I sadly frowned at the setting.

"I wish every once in a while people don't have to go if they sacrifice they're will for everyone to move on and not regret it themselves. "I whisper to myself as I fell into a long......deep......sleep.

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