Threats Are... (Chapter 9)

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Shin's POV

It's been five days since I last saw Oka. I contacted her parents, They said she's gone. It us not like her to disappear, She was my first real friend,

When I was a lot younger was when I first met Oka. My 'friend' touched me in a bad way, rape pretty much at age 10. I never told anyone. I have so many secrets that I will never tell. She saw me crying and came over to comfort me. Over time we both got to know each other. We had so much in comman. We both talked about things we both liked, supernatural, horror movies, cold pizza, and the color dark blue ( Which we dyed our hair). We both accidently shared our first kiss when we were 13? I don't know why but she kissed me and ran off screaming like a mad woman.

I walk down the hallway and see the new kid. Haru? Yeah Haru. "H-hey Haru." I said. He turned and smiled,
"Hi Shin!" He said. He came over and hugged me. It hurt. It wasn't his his fault. My dad beat me really hard again this morning.
"Owwww get off!." I said. He let go.
"Oh I'm sorry Shin. Did I hug you too hard?" He asked. I shook my head and felt tears falling from my eyes remembering what happened thus morning. His eyes widened and then he pushed me into the wall.

He started unbuttoning my shirt. "What the fu-" He covered my mouth and them pulled up my under shirt and gasped. "I'm sorry Shin. Who did this?" He said to me then I saw Budo behind him. He retracted his hand from my mouth and I hugged him.

"Shin? Haru? What are you doing?" He almost shouted. "Is he harassing you?" Budo said.
Haru got off me and raised my shirt agian. Budo looked and gasped. I flinched.
"I ran int-"
"Don't lie to me Shin." He said to me. I looked down and walked away. "Shin come back here!" Budo yelled, I ran until my legs gave out.

Budo's POV

I was about to go after Shin the I was pinned to the wall. A hand covered my eyes. I gasped. "What are you doing?" I said. "Stay away from my Shin..." He said. He let go of me and walked away.

Ayano's POV

I can't let Haru kill me. I'll have to kill him first. The reason I'm killing all the people who like Shin(are friends)... I wanna torture him. Other than senpai and Budo.

I watched Haru walk to the back of the school to the gardening club. I grabbed a baseball from the sports club and snuck up on him. I hit his head with it. THUMP He fell over. I picked up his body and walked over by the flower beds. I buried him in pne of the open ones. It's done! I laughed.

My parents had finally came back. My mom was panicking repeating over and over they found us they found us! She was packing up her stuff and clothes. I kept asking her what was wrong but she didn't respond. She ran to my room and packed my clothes and things. After she had finished that she threw it in the trash, my things in the trash! What and why? After she finished she looked at me with a sadness all over her face. I watched as she pulled something out of her pocket it was a... KNIFE?!
She was walking towards me slowly. I looked at her shocked.
"Mother, wait! Stop!" That's what I yelled.

I Want To Be Loved (Budo X Shin Fanfic Yandere Simulator) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now