HE CHOOSE HIM! (Chapter 23)

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Shin's POV

I walked onto the roof for lunch with a smile on my face. I... BUDO LOVES ME! And I can trust him. He is also nice, caring, cool and strong. Unlike me... But! Whatever. I sat down  in the seat next to my friend Haru.

"Hi Haru!" I said with a smile.

"Hey Shin! You're awfully happy. What happened?" He said staring with me with a emotion in his eyes that I couldn't read.

"Well... Im sorry but I chose Budo. Sorry Haru, He is very nice, caring, and strong. NOT THAT YOU AREN'T! But he is perfect for me. I'm sorry." I said looking at him shyly.
I'm breaking his heart.

Haru's POV

I sat there in shock... HE CHOSE HIM! Why him... Budo's perfect. Is that it? "It is okay Shin. I need to go." I said quietly.

"Wait Haru!" He grabbed my hand. I turned around as I pushed him off me harshly. I watched as his eyes widened in fear as he flew over the rail. OH FUCK.

"Shin!" I ran to ledge and tried to grab him but i failed. I heard people scream. They screamed I was a monster, murder..

"I'm going to find Budo." I heard Mina say to Yuna. I watched as she ran down the stairs. I killed Shin? I felt tears run down my face as I got up and ran down the stairs leaving school. I can't live with myself. I ran to the forest to the water fall. My happy place? I smiled as I looked down the cliff as water rushed down. I closed my eyes and thought of Shin. I'm sorry Shin. I slowly walked off the edge. I turned and fell off my back facing the ground. I stared at the sky before I screamed feeling my bones crunch then, I was gone.

Budo's POV

I felt Sho's lips smash on to mine as he started rubbing my crotch. I tried to push him off but he over powered me. What had happened was...

I sighed as Sho dragged me to the men's bathroom.
"What is it Sho?" I asked.
"Umm... I love you Budo." He said quietly looking away.
"What!" Wtf. He ran towards me and pushed me agianst the wall. "I have been training extra just to over power you." He said with a giggle. "Be mine. Break off with Shin and be with me. Please Budo." He said.

That's basically it. I grabbed his wrist and forced him off of me. He landed on the floor with a thud. I looked at him. He was out cold. As I left the bathroom Mina grabbed me stareing at me with fear. We made up, she told me Haru forced her.. "Mina what's wrong?" I asked confused as I heard screams. What the heck.

"Shin! Shin's dead." Mina said as tears cascaded down her face. "Where is he!" No this can't be true, He can't be dead. He can't!

"Follow me." She said.

I followed her to the court yard where she pointed to the large crowd of people. I bolted over there and forced my way pass them. I looked down and saw a bloody Shin. I felt tears weld in my eyes. Who did this.

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO SHIN? WHEN I FIND OUT YOU ARE DEAD YOU HEAR ME!" Every one went quiet. I watched as a girl with long orange hair stepped foward. "I know what happened. So Haru and Shin were talking. Then Shin said something to Haru that made him get upset. Haru stood up to leave and Shin grabbed his hand. Haru turned around and pushed Shin off him and he flew over the railing. Haru ran over and tried to grab him but he didn't get there in time. He covered his mouth and ran away crying."

"Thank you." I said as I walked over to Shin and picked up his body. I watched as his hand twich. He's alive!? A smile spread onto my face. "Don't worry babe. We will get you to the hospital." I said picking him up. I heard sirens at the front of the school. They're here. Please be okay Shin. I kissed his head and set him down. I watched as paramedics came and picked up his lifeless body. Shin...

I Want To Be Loved (Budo X Shin Fanfic Yandere Simulator) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now