The Proposal? (Chapter 26)

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Time skip
A few years later.

Budo's POV

   I finnaly have graduated out of collage with a degree. I smiled as I walked home from the store. I couldn't wait to see him. "Shin I am back!" I yelled as I opened the door. I saw him sitting on my couch in his 
    pink oversized hoodie. He so cute! "H-hi Budo." After the memory lossb he developed a stuttering problem, from head tramuam I don't mind it. I went in the kitchen and put the food away.

    "Budo, I-I want to m-make a special din-ner for us tonight."
    I turned around to see him smiling at me standing in the door frame. I love his cooking. "Sure." I responded and darted over to him, picking him up and   
   kissing his soft plump lips. He so beautiful. "B- budo!" He cried out holding on to me like he would die if I let go. "S-shin i can't breath!" His arms fell to his side as he looked at his feet. "Ill c-call you when dinners r-ready.." He said as he turned to the kitchen.

I walked up stairs and called Mina.

Hey Mina

Hey Budo!

So I have something big planned for shin!

What is it?

I want to purpose to him. I want to be with him forever. I just don't know how... what if he rejects me.

He won't. He loves you so much. Do you have a ring?

Yes i hid it.

Okay so here's the plan...

Shins POV

   I watched Budo's muscular body walk out of the kitchen. I turned back to the counter and started making the new spiced pork I learned to make in cooking class.         
The floorboards creaked as I walked around the kitchen getting supplies. I looked down at my pink sleeves. I don't remember very much still other than my
    relationships. I pull the knife out of its Holder and start cutting into the juices of the pork seeped out of the meat. I had already started pre heating the oven.

Time skip

"B-budo d-dinner!" I yelled quietly as I set the hot plate of the steaming meat down on the table. He didn't respond. "B-budo?" I slowly walked up the stairs as I heard no response still.
What is he doing? I walked to our room and opened the door. There's no one? I look through out the rest of the house to not find him. I go back to our bedroom. Did he leave? I looked at the window and saw it was open. He snuck out. I dialed him on my phone listening to the dull ring. "Hello this is Budo I'm obviously doing something amazing rn call me later.   Leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeee-". I hung up the phone and slammed it on the bed with the little strength I have.

I- I want Budo. Did he abandon me. I made my way down stairs and started eating my meal that I had made for us.     I finished, washed the plate and went upstairs and snuggled into my bed. It was so late and i called him      millions of times  ut he didnt pick up. Am i being to
clingy, is he made at me? Budo where are you... im scared.

    Budo's POV
After he gets back to the house.

   Mina and I just set up the wedding spot and we planned the proposal for Shin. Shin... OH SHIT! I didn't tell him  I was going anywhere. Well he would have called. I pull my phone out of mg pocket as I sat in the car that was parked in my drive way. My phone was shut off? I powered it on to see tons of missed calls from my baby. Shit!
   I got out of my car, slammed the door closed and ran to the hpuse. The doors not locked. I open the door and a great scent fills my nostrils. Shit! How did I forget about     Shin when I was thinking about him.
I closed the door and ran up the stairs. I opened the door of our room to here sniffling. "Shin? Baby are you here?"
Oh no. I walk  over to our bed to find his slim build shaking under the covers. I pulled the covers up and looked at his shaking frame. Tears ran down his face. His breathing track was rapid as he kept crying. I pulled him into my arms telling him I'm here now you're okay, but nothing seemed to work. I waited till he stopped crying and snuggled into my torso. Damn, he is too cute.
"B-budo?" He said breathlessly. "A-are y-you and at m-me? A-am I  be-being too cl-lingy?" His soft word broke my heart.
  "Baby no, I'm sorry I should have told you I was leaving. I had important business to deal with. I have a suprise for you tomorrow okay baby so let's sleep. Okay love?"
    "O-okay Bud-do." He said letting go of me snuggling into true covers. I striped to my boxers and crawled into out bed snuggling up to him. I held him in my arms. I
   love him... so much.

The next day...

   I had woken Shin up. Today is the day! The 3rd most important day of my life. The second is me and Shin's to be marrige. The 1st is the day I met him. I stared at him on the back seat of my car as he slept.
  After we got to the medow I was to purpose to him at. He gasped looking around in surprise at the scenery.
    I got down on my hands and knees grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. "N-no way." I heard him mumble in disbelief.
"Yes way." I chuckled as I pulled the purple box in my hands. "Shin, you are everything to me. Everything I have ever wanted and more. You have made me so happy. I have been waiting a long time to ask you this. I want to be with you till the end of our day." I took a deep breath in and out. I looked at him. His face was flushed and he looked shocked and happy at the same time.
  "Shin, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I opened the box revealing the purple diamond ring.

I Want To Be Loved (Budo X Shin Fanfic Yandere Simulator) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now