Chapter 1: Close Encounters

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"See you later Ash." Ashley walks away getting into her car and leaves.

"Why'd Ash leave?" my mom questions.

"She's going on a date with Nash tonight."

"They're finally dating?" my mom says laughing.

"Yes. It's taken them long enough." I say, rolling my eyes

"Well the three of you have been best friends for a long time." Nash and I met when we were in the first grade. He was my first friend. He's basically been here for me when no one else was. We became friends with Ashely in the third grade. "You're not sad are you? You didn't like Ash like that?" my mom questions.

"No mom. I don't like Ashely. Not like that anyways." I say. I was sitting at the bar. My mom was making dinner. She was standing about five feet away from me.

"So when are you gonna get a girlfriend Shawn?"

"I don't know mom. When I meet the right person I guess." I'd never really felt something for someone else before. Not like other people my age anyways. When all the boys my age hit puberty they all got into girls and kissing and things but I never felt that. I sometimes think there's something wrong with me. Maybe I just have a low sex drive.

"Well you are straight right?" my mom says.

"Yah. Why would you even ask that." I felt the heat in my face rise. For some reason the beat of my heart quickened. I'd questioned my own sexuality before. I figured if girls couldn't turn me on then maybe guys could. Honestly I kind of liked guys for a while but I was too embarrassed to pursue any relationship. I was too embarrassed of what my family would think. I can't be gay. It's just not an option for me. So, I've decided to just wait until I like girls. It's sad, but it's the plan. And I've accepted it.

"I don't know why I asked Shawn. I've just never seen you with a girl before. I mean darling you're 16 and still haven't had your first kiss." Ouch. That hurt mom. She turned around to face me. "I didn't mean for that to sound rude. I'm just saying maybe if you put yourself out there more you might be able to make some friends. Especially since your best friends just started a relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"Shawn they're your best friends, don't get me wrong. But since they're a couple now they're going to want to start doing couple things. No one likes a third wheel." I had never thought about it like that. I mean we'll always be best friends but they're gonna want their alone time.

"I'll be fine mom. I don't much like people anyways."

"I'm just trying to look out for you honey." I grab my keys and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" my mom questions.

"It's a Friday. I'm not spending it here at home." She just stares at me. "I'm gonna go make friends." I say laughing and rolling my eyes.

"Whatever Shawn." she says laughing. "Love you honey."

"Love you too mom. I'll be back later."


"I'll have one ticket for Beauty and the Beast."

"Ok, that'll be $8." I hand the lady working at the theatre a 10. She hands me $2 back in change and I put it back in my wallet. I walk past the entrance with my ticket to the concessions. I'd seen plenty of movies by myself. I had no problem going to another one alone. My phone vibrates so I pull it out, walking to the snack bar. It's a text from Nash. As I open the text I feel myself run into someone. Their popcorn goes flying all over the ground.

"I am so sorry." I say. I look up to see a boy about my age looking at me. He looked like he wanted to look mad but once he saw my face that expression went away.

"It's fine dude. Don't worry about it." he says. His voice sounds kind of nice; relaxing in a way. We both crouch down, bending at the knees but still keeping our feet flat, to clean up the popcorn.

"Let me help you." I say, shoveling the popcorn near the container back in. I tip the large round holder over, and begin picking up all the other pieces of popcorn, one by one.

"I-I got it." he says. I look back up and see he's already staring at me. I smile. After a few more seconds of cleaning and non-awkward smiling, he lifted the container up and threw it away in the trashcan behind him.

"Let me buy you a new one. It's the least I could do." I say.

"Seriously it's fine. You don't have to do anything."

"I feel bad." I say smiling. He smiles in return. I've never seen such a smile before. The way his lips pull across his face, revealing the pearly whites that hide behind them. For some reason my heart was beating fast. This guy makes me feel like I have butterflies in my chest. I look around and see that no one else was standing around him. Maybe he's here alone too. "Are you here by yourself?" I ask. He goes to open his mouth to reply, when a beach blonde girl with her hair pulled back walks up behind him.

"Hey babe." she says, kissing his cheek. She looks at me smiling. "Where's are popcorn?" she asked. He looks at me and I answer her.

"I accidentally spilled it. I'm about to buy you guys a new one." I say walking towards the concessions. He grabs my arm holding me back. Firm grip. I like it.

"Are you sure man, cause it's seriously ok." I turn around and gaze into his deep brown eyes. They're mesmerizing. His hair is a good length, going up from his forehead to the back. He has very little acne and his nose rests in the center of his face complimenting everything centered to it. I go to answer him when blondie opens her mouth.

"Let him buy us another popcorn." she says, pulling his arm away from mine. She slides her arms up his bicep, holding onto them with her hands intertwined with each other. I smile at him and walk to the concessions. I buy 2 popcorns, a drink, and Reese's Pieces. One popcorn for them and the rest was for me. I walk back over and hand them their popcorn.

"Reese's Pieces?" he asks, as I hand him his popcorn.

"Yah?" I say smiling, holding up the box.

"They're my favorite." he says, smiling again. That smile.

"Same." I say, looking down at the box.

"Thanks for the popcorn." blondie says, eyeing me rudely.

"No problem. Sorry again for spilling your first one." I say laughing, looking at the guy. I put the box of candy in my pocket.

"It's fine. By the way, what's your na-" blondie cuts him off.

"Babe let's go, we're gonna miss the movie." I think he was gonna ask my name. I go to ask his name but stop myself. Don't be stupid Shawn, why would he want to be your friend? She drags him away. He turns around waving his hand. A small part of me wishes I would have caught his name too. Oh well, guess it just wasn't meant to be. I walk to my movie, thank God I wasn't in the same theatre as them. He was attractive I suppose. He had a cute smile, nice brown hair, and deep brown eyes. I change my mind; all of me wishes I would have got his name. Maybe it was fate that I was supposed to meet him and I just ruined it by being a chicken. I find a seat and sit down. I've been told that this is going to be a good movie.

Ambiguous (A Shameron Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora