Chapter 6: Let's Call Him a Girl Shawn

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"Please I already told you everything." I say to a quite irritating Ashely.

"Ok so you two had a great time overall?"

"Yes Ash. I loved every minute of it." And I honestly did. I could spend hours with that boy and not get annoyed. Which actually means a lot coming from me because I get annoyed with people, very easily. Nash joins us at the lunch table.

"Hey babe." he says to Ash, pecking her cheek.

"Hey baby." she says smiling.

"Wutcha guys talking about?" Nash questions.

"We were talking about Shawn's date last Friday."

"Well let's continue." Nash says waving a fry in the air and then putting it in his mouth.

"So was there any-" she raises her eyebrows, and nudges me several times with her shoulder "-you know." She winks at me.

"No Ash. I've decided to take things slow." She rolls her eyes.

"You didn't even get a kiss?" Nash asks.

"Nope. Like I said, I'm talking things slow Nash."

"You're being a weenie." he says laughing.

"Stop Nash. Shawn's not being a weenie. He's being a gentleman." She smiles at me.

"Yah Nash I'm being a gentleman." I say sarcastically to him.

"At least one of us is." Nash adds, causing Ash to blush deeply.

"Nashhhh." I say smiling.

"Oh shut the hell up." Ashley says smiling.

"So wait you guys have-" I don't get to finish because Ashley interrupts me.

"No Shawn! We are not talking about this right now." Ashley says, her blush resonating again. Nash and I share a few more smiles and facial expressions before we finally stop.

"Are you coming to our game this Friday?" Nash asks me. He's a player on the football team. I think he's pretty good but then again I don't really know anything about the game.

"I'm going on another date with her." I say her. Ugh. I need to come up with a name for Cameron.

"Seriously?! You won't even tell us her name?" Ashely exclaims.

"Nope." I say, trying to think. I need to come up with a good fake name.

"At least tell us her name." Nash says seriously. If I don't give them a name will they think she's not real?

"If Friday's date goes well then I'll tell you her name." Ugh. Why do I have to talk about Cameron like he's a girl? I don't mind the whole dating thing. I mean it doesn't make me gay if I were to go on a date with him does it? It's just two guys who like each other. But no! Shut up Shawn! He's not into you, you're not into him. Stop it right now.

"You wanna hang out tonight?" Ashely asks.

"I thought Nash has practice." I say, taking another bite of food.

"He does." Ashley says. "Am I not good enough for you anymore?" Nash smiles at her response.

"Shut up Ash." I say smiling. "What do you wanna do?" I ask.

"We could go shopping?" she suggests.

"On a Monday?" I say, eating again.

"You're right. We could-" My phone starts ringing interrupting her. I pull it out to see Cameron's number. I haven't put his number in my contacts so it just displays his actual phone number. I don't have it memorized I just recognize it. Why is he calling me in the middle of the day?

"Is that her?" Ashley whispers yells.

"I'll be right back." I stand up, leaving the lunch table and answering the call. "Hello?" I ask.

"Dude." Cameron says fast. I walk out of the cafeteria near the restrooms.

"What?" I ask not annoyed just confused as to why he's calling me at school. I look down the hallways in both directions, seeing no one else.

"Wanna do something after school?" he asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, smiling but still confused.

"Just say yes Shawn."

"What are we going to be doing?" I ask smiling bigger.

"Just.... you'll see."

"Tell me." I plead.

"Do you trust me?" he asks. I don't respond. "Do you trust me?" he asks again. Of course I trust this stupid bastard.

"Yes." I say, giving in.

"Good." he says. I can feel his smile through my phone. "I'll pick you up after school."

"You don't know where I live." I say playfully.

"Then you should probably text me your address." he says adding to the game.

"I will. I'll see you after school?" I say, my heart starting to race. Why's it always doing that lately?

"I'll see you after school Shawn." He ends the call. Damn. When he says my name it just makes my inside go haywire. Like my muscles tighten in my upper body and surges of energy shoot through the rest of my body. Should I be worried that he can do that to me?

"What'd she say." Ash asks, scaring me half to death as I turn around to face her.

"Damnit Ashley you can't scare me like that!" I say smiling and raising my hand up to my chest, feeling my already racing heart gaining in speed from her little stunt.

"I was trying to hear what she said but I couldn't make any of it out."

"Well good." I say smiling.

"What's she say?" she asks, playfully shoving me.

"I'm not telling you." I smile, returning the playful shove.

"Shawn I'm your best friend and you won't even tell me about the girl you're seeing. It hurts dude." She turns around walking away.  I grab her arm turning back around to me.

"Listen Ash. I'll tell you about her tomorrow ok." These lies literally suck. "I'll tell you her name and a little bit about her."

"Good." she says smiling. "I can't wait." She turns around, walking back to the cafeteria. Why did I have to lie in the first place? Why couldn't I just tell them I made a new friend and I like spending time with him. I lied because Nash called me gay. I denied it at the time and lied because I didn't want him thinking I am gay. Why would I lie about the whole thing if I'm not gay? What if deep down I actually am? No way Shawn. I push those thoughts out of my mind and continue back to the cafeteria to sit with my best friends.

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