Chapter 17: What's Going On

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The daunting task of finding a date to the dance; something that used to not stress me out at all, but now with this fall formal next Friday I've suddenly found myself stressed to the max. As I've contemplated it many times I seem to only come up with one person: Cameron. I might be pissed at him sometimes and our friendship is weird but I really just want him to go with me. I've thought maybe I can ask him to come with like Nash, Ash, and I, like as a group. I'm sure Nash and Ash wouldn't say anything about it. Would they? Why's life gotta be so damn confusing?! And what about telling him about my dad having to leave and me moving? I get a headache every time I think about this. I just need to get some sleep. Tomorrow's Friday and the dance is a week after tomorrow. It's too late to ask Cameron anyways. I'll be fine going alone.


"Honey wake up!" my mom yells from the other side of my door. I look over at the alarm clock on my bed and see that it's already 7. At least it's Friday. As I'm getting ready my phone starts ringing. I look down to see an incoming call from Nash. I answer it.

"Hey Shawn!" he says quickly. It sounds like he's really worried.

"What's up?" I ask him, patiently waiting for his response.

"Can you drive me to school today?" he asks. "My dad took my keys away and me and Ash got into a fight last night so I'm not asking her to come get me."

"What'd you guys get into a fight about?" I ask curiously.

"Don't worry about it." he says sharply. "Just can you come pick me up or not?"

"Yah sure. I'll be there later." I say to him. I end the call. I wonder what him and Ash fought about. Nash usually tells me everything. I'll just call Ash and ask her. After a few rings she answers the call.

"Hello?" she asks.

"Ash can you talk right now?"

"Actually I'm trying to get ready but what?" she asks. She sounds just about as pissed as Nash did.

"I was just wondering how you and Nash are doing?" I question nicely.

"Shawn don't worry about it."

"Ash it's just-"

"Shawn." she says interrupting me. "Don't worry about it."

"Ashley you and Nash always tell me everything, why can't you tell me about this?" There is silence for a few seconds.

"Because Shawn it's none of your damn business." The phone call ends and I pull the phone away from my ear appalled by her actions. She must be really pissed at Nash. I head downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey honey." my mom says, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning." I say smiling. I could smell the bacon on my way downstairs. I sit down at the table looking over at the pancakes and bacon my mom made for breakfast. I wonder what the occasion is. "Why the nice breakfast?" I ask smiling. She turns around, surprised by my question.

"Does something have to be going on for me to cook a nice breakfast for my beautiful son?" she asks smiling. She's trying to hide something. "So did you find a date to that dance next week?" she asks smiling. Clearly trying to change the subject.

"As a matter of fact no." I say.

"Well that's ok. You'll still have fun anyways." she says smiling sweetly. After she brings the pancakes and bacon over we eat. I don't try and bring up the reason for the eventful morning. Sometimes it's better to just not know. Ignorance is bliss, as Cameron would say. Most people are fooled by Cameron's tough boy demeanor to actually realize he's a very deep person. One of the reasons I like him. And because he's hot. What the fuck I don't like him! You're not gay Shawn! Ughhh.

I finish eating and leave for Nash's house. "Good morning." I say as he opens the passenger door. He simply gives me a glare, serving as his response to my greeting. "Ok." I say awkwardly, putting the car into drive. After about a minute I say, "Wanna talk about it?"

"No." he says looking out the window.

"Ok." I say smiling, turning up the radio. I didn't mind. He'll talk to me about it when he's ready.
"Well I still haven't found a date to the fall formal." I say looking over at him. He mumbles something under his breath. "What was that?" I ask curiously. I honestly didn't hear a word he said. I turned the radio down, waiting for his response. I pull over onto the side of the road, and put the car in park. I look out into the street judging the distance from our current location to the school. "We're about 8 miles from the school." I say. "Now you can either tell me what you said or get out and walk to school." His left hand reaches down to the top of his backpack between his legs and his right hand reaches for the door handle. Is he actually going to get out? He goes to open the door and I reach over him holding onto the handle.

"I'm not going to talk Shawn. I don't wanna talk. So either move on with it or let me walk to school." Damn. What should I do? Would I be a dick by letting him walk to school? I'm not that mean.

"Fine." I say, letting go of his door and moving back into my seat. I put the car into drive and start driving again. After a couple of minutes we reach the school and Nash immediately gets out of my car. Him and Ashley's fight must have been bad. I reach over to open my door when my phone vibrates with a text message. I continue out of the car, standing up and fixing my shirt. Leaning against the door frame I pull out my phone. Two unopened messages. First one:
Hopefully this morning wasn't too bad with the news mom gave you. I'm sorry we have to move. This is all on me Shawn. So if you wanna be mad at somebody be mad at me. Not mom. Love you bud. Have a good day.
My heart starts beating a lot faster. We're actually moving. This is actually happening. The next message:
Shawn we need to talk. I don't know what else to do but this. Meet at the rock ASAP. If you're not there by 9:30 I'll just assume you're not coming. I hope to see you soon. Love you dude.

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