Chapter 7: This Isn't Going to be a Date

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"Where are you going?" my mom asks as I'm changing. I look at her wondering if I should lie like I do with my best friends, I know I'm a bad person, or tell her the truth.

"I'm going somewhere with a new friend." I button my jeans. The truth it is I guess. At least closer to the truth than the shit I'm feeding my best friends.

"Knew friend huh?" she's asks smiling and raising her eyebrow.

"Not like that mom." I try to say confidently. "His name is Cameron and he'll be here in a few minutes to pick me up."

"Where you guys going?" she asks, turning around to get back to her laundry. The laundry room was right across from my bedroom.

"I don't know actually." I say, pulling on a skin tight black shirt after picking it up off the ground and making sure it was clean. And by making sure it was clean I mean if it didn't smell bad then it was good to go; and actually sometimes if it did smell bad but my cologne could cover it up then it was good to go too.

"That sounds interesting." she says in a tone trying to allude to something. I walk out of my bedroom to the where she is standing in the laundry room.

"Mom I'm not gay. I'm not going on a date. I'm going somewhere with a friend. I will make sure that I'm home by curfew."

"11 o'clock." my moms says.

"11? I thought my curfew was 10?"

"You can stay out till 11. You haven't been out with friends other than Nash and Ash for a very long time Shawn. This is probably the first time in all of high school." I think she's right. "And by the way I never said you were gay or going on a date with Cameron." she says smiling. "You simply denied it for no reason. I know you're not gay Shawn. I raised you better."

"Er." I'm at a loss for words. I go to respond but the door bell rings. Is that seriously Cameron already? My heart starts beating faster instantly.

"I'll go answer it." she says smiling. I'll just have to ignore her comment like I always do. Ok either have my mom answer the door and me finish getting ready or me open the door and not finish getting ready. Ugh damnit.

"Please don't be embarrassing mom." I say to her. She shakes me off and walks downstairs, and I go back to my room. I grab my phone and wallet, sliding my phone in my left pocket and my wallet in my left butt pocket. I continue on to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I check my hair, deciding it looks good enough. I put on some deodorant and cologne, making sure I smell like I always do. Hopefully I smell good because that's kind of what I'm going for. I turn around to leave the bathroom to see a smiling Cameron.

"Ahhhh!" I scream. He starts laughing rather loudly. "God damn Cameron you scared me." I say, raising my hand to my heart.

"Sorry your mom told me you would be up here so I just kind of let myself in." Cameron was standing in my bedroom. Cameron has now seen my bedroom. I feel so invaded. What if it's dirty and now he thinks I'm gross? I walk out of the bathroom, by Cameron, and observe my room. I see a paper plate on my bedside table. I guess my room was actually cleaner than I thought. There were quite a bit of dirty clothes on the floor though.

"Sorry my room's a mess." I apologize to Cameron.

"It's not a mess." he says smiling. "My room looks worse than this all the time." I smile in response. Oh no awkward silence. Yay! "So you ready to go?" he asks after a couple seconds of awkward silence.

"Yah let's go." We go to leave but I stop him, grabbing his bicep to turn him around. Oh god that muscle. He must work out. No one can have a muscle like that and not work out. "Is this good for wherever we're going?" I ask motioning towards my outfit. "I don't know where we're going so I didn't know how to dress." Cameron stands back a foot or two and looks at me. I watch as his eyes go from my head to my toes, taking their sweet time as they pass over my pants. He's not checking me out is he? No Shawn you literally asked him his opinion on your clothes.

"Turn around." he says, making a face of deep thought although I know the face isn't genuine.

"Ok?" I say smiling. I do as he says and turn around. I can no longer see his face but I can feel his eyes burning through me as he checks me out from head to toe, taking his sweet sweet time on my ass.

"You look good." he says finally. I turn back around smiling.

"Just good?" I ask sarcastically.

"What? You looking for me to give you a compliment or something?" he says smiling. I just wanna grab him by the face, push him against my bedroom wall, and kiss those plumb pink lips at the bottom of his face. Why don't you Shawn? Do it. Come on you chicken. You know you want to.

"I guess I like looking good then." I manage out.

"Fine Shawn. You look great." he says sarcastically, turning around and walking out of the bedroom. I flip the light switch on my way. I can't believe I just thought all of those things about him. If he had stayed in my room any longer would I have been able to control myself?

"Love you Shawn have a good time." my mom says as we are by the front door. She is sitting on the living room couch.

"We will mom. Love you too." I wave to her.

"Once again it was nice meeting you Karen. Hopefully this won't be the last time I see your beautiful home."

"Hopefully not." she says smiling at him. We walk out of my house and I see Cameron's car parked in my driveway. It's a red four runner with solid black tires.

"I like your ride." I say to him.

"Thanks. It's all mine. Saved up all the money and payed for everything except for my insurance each month." I hop into the passenger side sitting down. He climbs into the driver's seat a few seconds later.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask seriously curious.

"Just wait. You're about to find out." He makes sure I'm buckled and then shifts the car into reverse, backing out of my short driveway and onto the road. What if I get a boner around Cameron? How would I even play that off? Say to him, of course I have a boner haven't you ever looked at yourself. This is going to be a very interesting night for me.

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