Chapter 11: Secrets

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I look at my phone confused. Why does Cameron keep opening my messages and not texting back. I don't wanna deal with drama right now. Half of me says fuck him, and not in the good way either; he wants to ignore me for some reason then let him. But then the other half of me wants to drive to his house and see if he's ok. He's never ignored my texts like this before. And then like another half of me says that I'm just being dramatic.

We've been close friends for a little over two months now. Boy has the time flown bye. We usually hang out every weekend, sometimes with Nash and sometimes just the two of us. I click his name in my contacts, calling him for the fifth time. After a couple of rings it goes to voicemail. "Hey this is Cameron. Leave a message after the beep." BEEP.

"Hey Cam, this is Shawn, calling for like the fifth time I think." I know. "Please call me back. I'm worried dude. You've never been like this before. I'm calling your mom if you don't call me back in ten minutes." I know I sound clingy or like dramatic but trust me I'm not. I know somethings off.

I end the voicemail and sit there, waiting for him to call me back. Ten grueling minutes pass and not to much of a surprise, he doesn't call me back. I find Gina in my contacts and click on her name. After a few short rings she answers. "Hello, Shawn?" she asks, probably surprised that I called her.

"Hey is Cameron ok?" I ask, trying not to sound too worried, while mentally freaking the fuck out.

"Yah he's up in his room. Why would you think he's not ok?" Ugh, should I be honest? Why not.

"He's not returning any of my texts or phone calls. I'm probably just overreacting." I'm not overreacting. Something's wrong with him.

"Well I'm gonna go check on him. I'll keep you on." I hear the sound of wind pass through my phone as i assume Gina is walking up stairs to his room. I hear her knock on his door. After a few seconds I hear mumbling, not being able to make out a word. I hear a door shut and then Gina talks again. "Um sorry Shawn. Cameron's in a sort of mood." she says sadly.

"Well is he ok?" I ask worried even more.

"He's just....... today is Tucker's birthday." she says sadly. Tucker.... Tucker..... oh that's Cameron's best friend that past away some time ago. Aww. I bet he's an emotional wreck right now.

"Is Sarah over there?" I ask her.

"No Sarah's with the rest of the cheer squad at some camp thing they're doing this weekend. Cam wanted her to come over but she told him no."

"Well I'm coming over. I'll be there in half an hour." I say confidently.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Gina says hesitantly as I find my keys in the kitchen.

"Too late I'm already on my way." I say, hanging up on Gina. I don't care if she gets mad at me. Cameron needs someone right now, and I'm not gonna let her talk me out of coming.

"Where are you going?" asks my mom.

"To Cameron's." I say.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"No reason." I say not wanting to have to talk to her.

"Is it just going to be you two?" she asks. I infer a second meaning in her tone.

"And his mother." I say squinting my face.

"Ok. Well be safe."

"I will." I leave. Our conversations are getting weirder and weirder every week.


I knock on the door. After a few long seconds Gina opens the door. "Hi." she says smiling.

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