Chapter 10: Bros Before New Bros

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I look at Ashley more annoyed then I was before. I flash her my vibrating phone's screen. "Answer him." she begs. "Come on. That's like his fourth call." I decline the call and set my phone down on the couch.


"Nash has told me he is sorry about what he said. Why do you keep ignoring him? You ignored him all day on Friday and tomorrow's Monday. I don't think you guys have ever gone this long without talking."

"Well he said some very hurtful things." I say looking towards the tv. "And it's only been 3 days." She picks up the remote, pointing it towards the television, turning it off.

"Look Shawn. Nash loves you dude. He's your best friend." I don't look at her. "People make mistakes. He said things out of anger and he didn't mean them." I look at her in silence. Maybe she's right. I'm probably just overreacting about this whole thing. And technically I was lying to him.

"I don't know Ashley. He just really hurt my feelings."

"Well of course what he said hurt your feelings. He's your best friend! That's why it hurt your feelings; because he's closer to you than anybody on this earth." Well... I mean I guess it's true. Cameron doesn't know more about me than Nash. Cameron and I have just became best friends.

"What's he doing tonight?" I ask giving in. I glance at the clock on the wall in my living room, revealing the time to be 2:23 pm.

"He's got football practice. He's at his house right now though." Are you serious?!

"I have plans with Cameron at 3. We were gonna go fishing today." I'm glad I decided to tell her that me and 'Alex' broke up. I told her all about Cameron earlier. I assume Nash knows me and 'Alex' broke up. Maybe that's why he's feeling so sorry.

"You like fishing?" Ash asks smiling.

"I guess." I shrug my shoulders. "I've never really been before."

"Well call Cameron and cancel. Nash is your best friend. I'm sure he'll understand." But I don't wanna cancel on Cameron. He's my friend. And he's hot.

"But that would be wrong to do to Cameron." I say, trying to justify my wanting to see him more than I want to see Nash.

"Shawn! Nash is like the closest thing you have to a brother. If you would rather go hang out with Cameron than fix things with Nash, then maybe you and Nash aren't as close as I thought." Damnit Ash. Just back off ok?! Nash and I are best friends but Cameron is just so ugh!

"Fine. I'll cancel on Cameron." I hate myself.

"Yay!" she says cheerfully. I look at her grumpily, and pick my phone back up off the couch. I make my way to Cameron and I's text messages.

Shawn: Hey, so it looks like I'm not gonna be able to make fishing today. So sorry.......

Cameron: That's ok dude. We'll need to do it some other time.

I wonder why he didn't ask why? Maybe he doesn't care as much about hanging out as I thought he did.

Shawn: Definitely. Sorry I can't make it.

"What's he saying?" Ash asks, scooting closer and reading our messages. After a few seconds she opens her mouth again. "See I told you he would be ok with it. He didn't even ask why." I know Ashley! Why didn't he ask why?

Cameron: It's ok. I'll just see if Sarah wants to go. She'd probably love to hang out. If yah know what I mean😉😂

Is he trying to make me jealous? Why would he try and make you jealous Shawn? He doesn't like you. And if he hints at him and Sarah having sex again I'm gonna throw up.

Shawn: Good luck buddy. Hope you have fun😉😂

He read my message and didn't respond. "Well are you going to text Nash?" Ash questions.

"Ugh." I groan. I click on Nash and I's messages, reading over all the ones I didn't respond to.

Shawn: Hey.

I even put a period on the end. He knows I mean serious business.

Nash: hey.....

Shawn: You wanna come over?😒

Nash: Can we talk Shawn? I really need to.😔

Shawn: Yah. Get your ass over here. I'll be waiting

He doesn't text back. "Ok Ash. Nash is on his way, would you leave?" I ask bluntly.

"No no I don't want anything to eat or drink. I'll just leave." she says smiling and standing up off the couch, grabbing her jacket.

"Good; cause I wasn't gonna offer any of that shit." I say smiling in return. She rolls her eyes. "You know where everything is." I say, pointing towards the kitchen. "Help yourself." She smiles widely and ventures to the kitchen. I plop back down on the couch. I wander if Cameron and Sarah are going to have sex tonight. Have they already had sex? Is Cameron still a virgin? Probably not. They probably do it every weekend. The thought of Cameron and Sarah being intimate like that makes me wanna throw my guts up all over the floor.

Shawn: Hey we could go fishing later tonight if you want. I'll probably be able to go out around 5.😁

Let's save me and Cameron hanging out.

Cameron: Shawn..... I already texted Sarah😔 we're going fishing at three. Sorry dude. You told me you had plans.......

Damn. I guess I did this. I'm the one that cancelled plans with him first. I can't be mad at him.

Shawn: It's cool 😂. Have fun with Sarah.

Cameron: You sure you're not mad?

Shawn: Yes I'm positive😂. Have fun!

"I'm gonna go Shawn!" Ash yells from the kitchen. She walks back into the living room. "Please be nice to Nash. I'm gonna have to hear all about it from Nash tonight." She takes a large bite of her green apple, a crunch sound radiating across the room to my ears.

"Bye Ash! Drive safe." She exits the house, leaving me alone. After a couple minutes of being alone I hear a knock at the door. This is Nash. I get up and walk to the door. I twist the knob, opening it up to a sad looking Nash. I look straight up to me, making eye contact, and he instantly walks closer to me, pulling me into a hug. The sadness surrounding him can be felt in the air. I can't be mad at my best friend any longer. This weekend hasn't been that fun without him.

"Hey." I say, smiling into his hug.

"Shawn I just wanna say I am so sorry." He pulls back away from the hug, looking me in the eyes. "I was a douche and if you wanna have other friends I should be happy for you. Fuck that Alex girl that you were dating. I'm your bro and lately I haven't been acting like it." So he does know that me and 'Alex' broke up. He sticks his hand out; an indication for us to do our handshake. I smile and roll my eyes, extending my arm as well, performing our very sacred handshake.

"Come in. Let's talk." I say, showing him into the house.

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