Chapter 5: Truths, Lies, and Alibis

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I miss the smell of Cameron's clothes. Yah I know that sounds creepy as hell but I honestly do. They smelled like..... him. Now they just smell like my house and my laundry detergent; at least I think they do. I've noticed that every house I've ever been to smells different, and I've been told my house has its own smell too. It's been described as a mix of cinnamon and bleach. Like someone just washed their hands and than lit a Christmas candle on fire; it doesn't sound very appealing to me. Ashely has told me she really likes it though; more often then she should probably.

I back out of the drive. Today was going to be a long day. I'm going to have to sit in classrooms for seven hours, then about another 30 more minutes after that before I finally get to see Cameron. I look over back into my driveway and see Nash walking out of the front door. Shit. I almost forgot him. I reach into the backseat, grabbing Cameron's clothes from the passenger seat and shuffle them into my front zipper. I don't want Nash questioning me about it and pissing me off with one of his remarks like last night.

I can still hear his voice radiating in my head, when he said it. "Dude you know I was just messing around. I know you're not a dick sucking faggot." Well you know what, fuck you Nash. I'm not gay. I'm not a dick sucking faggot. Gay people wear bright colored clothes and talk like girls and paint their nails and wear makeup; I'm nothing like that. Who cares if I think a guy is hot, I'm not gay.

"You almost forget me or something?" Nash asks, hopping into my black Jeep Wrangler, 2006.

"Nah, how could I forget you. You're like a coffee stain on a white mug; no matter how hard I scrub the depths of my mind, I can never seem to forget you." Maybe I should stop lying. Have I always lied like this and just never noticed it?

"Awww thanks buddy." he says, fake smiling and hitting my chest.

"No problem." I say, returning the smile. I can't stay mad at him. I know what he said was wrong; but he's my best friend. He's always had my back. I can't be mad at him because he's been raised to think that gay people are nasty or lower than him or whatever he thinks. Maybe I could change it one day. Not that I need to. God damnit. I pull away from my house.

"So this girl you're meeting with tonight? Are you gonna tell me anything about her?" he asks. Damn; I knew he'd ask questions.

"Nope." I said confidently.

"Fine then; whatever. I don't even think she's real." he says tauntingly, looking over out his window.

"Excuse me?" I say smiling like I'm surprised. "You think I would make up going on a date tonight? Why would I even do that?"

"I guess you're right." he says smiling and looking over at me. "Can you at least tell me one thing about her?" he begs. Think Shawn. Come on; give him something.

"She has got the most adorable smile. And she smiles so much; like all the time." I say. I feel my heart start to beat fast. Did I just describe Cameron? Is that weird?

"Ok so you see her often enough to know she smiles a lot. Ok. I'll figure it out by the end of the day."

"She doesn't go to our school." I say smiling confidently at him. Does Cameron go to our high school?

"Fucckkk." he groans. I laugh to myself.


So far today is going by just as slowly as I expected. First period started five minutes ago and it already feels like I've been here for hours; it is too damn early for my teenage brain. How am I expected to get good grades when I gotta get up so early? Like I don't even think I'm actually awake until third period, everyday.

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