Chapter 3: This Again

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I look out the window as I'm driving to God knows where. I figure I'll go to the grocery first, before they close, that way I won't forget. I look at the list making sure there weren't any cold items. There was a few so I decided I'll get the groceries bring them home, then go grab a bite. I look at my car radio's clock. It reads 5:39. The grocery store closes at 6. I need to hurry there.

I drive barely over the speed limit, making it to the grocery at 5:50. I fast walk inside and grab a cart. This grocery isn't like a large Walmart, but more of a local place; family owned, I'm certain. We didn't live in a small town; I mean it wasn't big like a city, but it definitely wasn't small. My high school has about 1,000 students total. Right inside of the store is a small place to get coffee before you shop. So I buy a small cup and start shopping. I walk through the grocery, grabbing everything on the list as instructed. I grab a box of cosmic brownies, as they are my favorite. I'm sure my mom won't mind.

I leave the cart on one side of the isle and walk to the other side looking for the right spaghetti sauce my mom wanted. I'm holding my coffee in my right hand, looking at the shelf of different sauces. I begin to walk down the isle, not breaking eye contact with all of the different glass containers, reading each title in my head. I finally give up and turn around to walk to my cart and I feel someone collide into me. Why am I always running into things? The coffee cup leaves my hand. I feel the hot liquid burning me through my shirt and pants. "Ahhh. Ohhh.... hot hot hot." I say. I look up, observing the person as I said this. Our eyes met, as we both raised our heads at the same time. This is the second time in my life that I've bumped into this particular stranger. I notice his phone in his right hand, probably being the distraction that caused him to bump into me. I could recognize that cute smile from anywhere.

"I am so sorry." he starts to say with a worried face. After a second his worried face disappears and he smiles. There it is. "Aren't you that guy from the movies a few weeks ago?"

"Aren't you that guy from the movies a few weeks ago?" I say laughing.

"I am so sorry for this." he says, motioning towards the coffee burning me. "Follow me." he says. I grab my cart and follow him. He leads me into one of the back rooms. I give him a questioning look. "Don't worry, I work here." Oh. Well then. I guess I could probably tell by the red and black uniform he has on. A red t-shirt, khakis, a red hat, and a black apron tied in the back. I follow him into the back room. "You can leave your cart right there. No ones gonna touch it."

"Ok." I say.

"I have an extra pair of clothes back here in case I ever need them." He begins to look around, walking over to an area I can't quite see very well. The lighting isn't bad back here, I just have horrible vision when the light isn't perfect.

"Oh, there's no need for that." I say, trying to sound nice.

"No. There's no way I'd let you go about the rest of your day with that coffee on you. Plus I bet it's hot." It's almost 6 o' clock. The day's almost over dude.

"Well, it was kinda hot at first but now it's fine." He finally finds his extra pair of clothes. He was digging in a backpack.

"Here." he says extending his arms. I take the red shirt with black gym shorts.

"Great style." I say laughing. I look around for a place to change. "Is there a place I could....." I say holding up the clothes.

"Oh yah, yah!" he says quickly. "I'll be right back. Just change right here. No ones coming back here anyways." He walks out and I begin to change. I wipe up the coffee on my skin with the shirt. I had a few burn marks on my chest but nothing serious. They'll probably go away by the end of the night. I'm dressed now and he walks back in about half a minute later.

"Yay. They fit." he says smiling.

"Yup." I say awkwardly. Why am I so awkward?

"Well once again I'm seriously sorry for spilling the coffee on you."

"Well I guess it's my karma for spilling your popcorn the other night." He laughs at my comment. That smile again. If he doesn't stop smiling I swear!

"I don't think I caught your name by the way." he says extending his hand. Does he want a hand shake? I think. Should I tell him my name. Urg.

"Shawn." I say grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Shawn Mendes."

"Cameron Dallas." he says. "Nice to meet you again Shawn Mendes." I quickly let go and grab my dirty clothes. "So how old are you, Shawn Mendes?" he asks, smiling again. This boy smiles so damn much.

"16." I say.

"I'm 17." he says.

"Well I should probably be going." I say. What's wrong with me?

"Where you going?" he asks.

"Uhh home. I have a whole bunch of homework." Did I just lie to him?

"Well I get off in like 10 minutes and I'm going to grab a bite to eat somewhere. Wanna go?" Oh yes! He just invited me to hang out.

"Sorry I have a lot of homework." Why did I say that? Why can't my brain and mouth decide on something? What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Oh, well that's ok." he says looking disappointed.

"Hey, maybe some other time though. It'd be cool to hang out with you." Yay, my brain does work. He looks back up and smiles.

"Ok" he says. "And I'm gonna need those clothes back."

"Yah definitely."

"So bring them to my house tomorrow night. At 8pm sharp." he says. My face just kind of freezes. Really? "I was just kidding Shawn." He smiles. "You're not very good with sarcasm are you?" he says laughing.

"I'm not very good with other people in general." I say looking at the ground.

"You're fine with me." he says. Damn. He's so smooth. I look back up at his face. His lips are pushed together and pointed to the left side of his face and when I make eye contact they slide back over into a smile.

"I guess." I agree. "I'm gonna go. See yah Cameron." I turn around and begin to walk out of the room.

"Hey Shawn?!" he says. I turn around facing him as he has now caught my attention again.


"I just wanted to tell you Shawn's a really cool name."

"Thanks." I say blushing, maybe, I think?

"And how are you ever gonna return my clothes if you don't give me your number?" he says. Smooth again. If I were a chick he would be doing so good right now.

"Right." I say smiling. He unlocks his phone and hands it to me. I go to his contacts and type in my number.

"Thanks." he says smiling again. I swear, this boy's face is gonna fall off one day from how much he fucking smiles. "And seriously we should hang out sometime. I think fate is trying to tell us something here." he says motioning between me and him, as I turn around.

"Maybe." I agree. Stop, he's straight. And so am I. I think. Ugh I don't wanna think about this right now.

"Well see yah later Shawn!"

"See yah Cameron!" I say, moving up one hand to wave, and then grabbing my cart to return to my shopping. What the hell just happened?

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