Chapter 13: High Expectations Means Low Results

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"Someone looks sexy today." I say to a no longer sleeping Cameron. He smiles, nestling his adorable face into my chest. My arms wrap around his bare arms and body, his body heat making my already hot body feel on fire. A fire that I wanted to feel everyday of my life. I rub my hand up and down his side, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathes. I love this feeling. This feeling of closeness; the feeling of us being together. I feel something hard press up against my leg. I let out a small laugh.

"What?" he questions, smiling, his light blush painted across his cheeks. He already knows why I laughed.

"Someone's excited to see me this morning." I smile at him.

"It's just morning wood." he says rolling his eyes.

"Oh so I'm not good enough to give you a boner?" I say, smiling. I'm gonna mess with him just a little. "Fine I guess since it's just morning wood I'll just let it go away." I pull my arm off of him and go to roll away. I feel his hand grab my shoulder.

"Shawn." he whispers. He leans closer to my ear, rolling over onto his stomach. "I lied." he whispers and immediately burst out laughing. He rest his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around me. "I don't know. I am pretty excited to see you though." I feel him slowly grind his junk onto me through his underwear.

"I'm exited to see you too." I say, smiling and leaning down to kiss his forehead. His hand moves down to my crotch, grabbing my soft cock.

"You don't feel very excited." he says laughing. I push his hand away, my body immediately missing his touch.

"Leave me alone." I say laughing with him. "I guess you do look pretty sexy right now." I say sexily. He moves over, getting up on top of me, straddling me beneath him. His legs are bend, with him sitting back on his feet. His knees are a little below my armpits. He grinds his package into my chest, right in front of my face.

"You want this?" he asks, looking hot as hell and biting his bottom lip. Finally. I'm about to see Cameron's dick for the first time. I can see the outline now. Oh he's so fucking hot. He slowly begins to pull down his underwear, his v-line sporting his short shaven hair. Here it goes: BEEP BEEP BEEP.

I sit up in bed reaching over to grab my phone. I see the time as 7:00am and click my alarm off. God damnit! Sweat beads dog my forehead and heat radiates through my body, causing me to throw the blankets off of my bed and onto the ground. I am so hot right now. I look down at the tent that's now pitched by my morning wood. Is this still called morning wood even though it was caused by a sexy dream? Why couldn't I just finish it. I was so close to seeing Cameron's dick. Ugh I have to get ready for school. I always sleep as late as fucking possible. What the fuck am I gonna do about my happy friend down there? I don't have enough time to beat off. I'm just gonna have to get up and start getting ready. Hopefully it'll just go away itself.


As I pull into the school parking lot I look down at my crotch. Gone. Thank goodness. I sit in my car looking at the school. Junior year and still I haven't had a girlfriend. Maybe this whole time it really has been because I was gay. You would think if I honestly liked girls that much that I would've been with someone by now right? Like girls used to come onto me all the time but I would always push them away. Is this why? Have I been gay my whole life and just not known it? Why is this all suddenly starting to come to me? I grab my bag and get out of the car, shutting it closed as I walk towards the school. "Hey Shawn." I hear, as Ash comes up beside me.

"Hey Ash what's up?"

"Tired, per usually, but excited for this weekend."

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