Part 16. - Broken Mask

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(Sanmin's POV)

I slowly got closer to Ravi. When he closed his locker, he looked at me "Well, well, well. What brings you here, Minie?". I flipped my hair and looked at him seriously "I was just wondering if I could come to your place and we could watch a movie or two?". He smirked "The other day you were cursing me, and now, all of a sudden, you want to watch a movie with me?" he looked at me from the bottom to the top and bit his lower lip.

I only nodded. "Well guess what?" he leaned closer to my right ear. I was shaking and gulping, when he started whispering into my ear "I won't give it to you. I want Heeyoung.". Then he winked at me and left. After a couple of minutes, I saw Taehyung, Jungkook and Heeyoung running towards me. "Well? How did it go?" Jungkook asked.

I faked a smile and said "Going to his place tomorrow night.". "The plan is working perfectly!" Heeyoung smiled with Taehyung as they gave high-fives to each others.

What the hell are you doing, Sanmin?

(Heeyoung's POV) 

The next lesson was Math. The professor was talking, the clock was ticking slowly, like if time stopped. Someone coughed into the professor words, everyone looked into the direction, where from the sound came. Taehyung stood up and said "Apologize me professor, but, can I go to the toilet? I've had a really bad stomachache this morning when I woke up.". 

He placed one arm on his stomach and made a silly facial expression. He was acting, he totally was. "This is the 3rd time today, that you want to go to the toilet today on my class, and there's only 10 more minutes left, can't you hold it in?" the professor sighed. "Mianhae, no.." he said it quietly. The professor only nodded his head to the door "Quickly." and continued talking. 

As Taehyung was leaving the classroom, he looked at me smiling, and he winked. I just rolled my eyes at him. He looks like an 18 year old, his personalities are like a 5 year olds, and he's 21. A couple of minutes later, the bell finally rang. Everyone quickly got up out of their seats and rushed out from the classroom. 

I was leaving lastly from the classroom, when the professor stopped me. "Excuse me, Mrs. Choi. Could you give Mr. Kim his school bag?" the professor was holding Taehyung's bag. "Sure." I bowed and left the classroom. "Aishh, this kid. I'll murder him for sure." I sighed and started looking for him. 

Not after long, I saw a crowd of students down in the yard. I sighed and quickly ran down. It must be Taehyung. When I arrived down, I threw my bag and Taehyung's as well on the grass and quickly made myself through the crowd. And I wasn't wrong, there was Taehyung and Baekhyun beating each others up, like they always do. 

Their faces and fists were all covered in blood, as I pulled Taehyung on the shirt behind. "YAH, WHY ARE YOU PULLING ME BACK, DO YOU WANT A PUNCH-" he was yelling and turned back to throw me his fist, as he stopped when I said "Try me.". "Let me go. I'm not finished with him." he was totally angry. "Heeyoung, you must leave." Taehyung's eyes widened. "W-why? What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly. "Baekhyun!" he yelled. 

Taehyung quickly pulled me away, the both of us started running, when Baekhyun hid his face and ran to the guy's toilet. We stopped on the second floor. "For a second I forgot that every vampire is after my blood.." I sighed and tried to catch my breath. "We have to be more careful." Taehyung said as he looked at his knuckles, which were covered in blood. 

I quickly grabbed it and got all worried. "Heeyoung? Relax? It'll heal." Taehyung leaned closer and looked at me. "Aish sometimes I forget that you're a vampire." as I said that I roughly pushed away his arms, as he started whining "Ahh! Ouch! It still hurts, you know?". I just rolled my eyes, when a professor came up the stairs. 

"Mrs. Choi. Come with me. Mr. Kim, to the medical room. Now." as the professor said that, Taehyung and I looked at each others. "When you're finished, come to the medical room, I'll wait for you there." Taehyung said, as I nodded and followed quickly the professor. 

"Because you're the cause of the fight between the two young man's, you'll be in detention with Mr. Byun." the professor said, as he opened a classroom's door. My eyes widened. Oh god no. "2 hours." the professor said, as he showed the way with his arm. "Professor I can't go into detention with him!" I quickly panicked.

"And why's that, Mrs. Choi?" the professor raised a brow. "My stomach really hurts.." I placed an arm on my stomach and made a weird expression. "Good one, Mrs. Choi, but you are terrible at acting, now please, would you mind going into the classroom?" the professor said as he pushed me inside and closed the door behind me, locking it.  

I sighed as I gulped, looking into Baekhyun's direction, who was looking out the window. I sat down right to the first chair, which was close to the door. I looked down at my arm, and when I looked back up, Baek was standing infront of me. I quickly jumped up. "Don't be scared. I know what happened, and everything's okay." he said. "H-how? You have the antidote?" I asked him shaking. 

"I placed papers into my nose so this way I can't smell your blood and scent." he pulled up his nose like a pig and showed me the stuffed papers. I almost laughed, he just rolled his eyes. "This detention is so boring and ridiculous." he said as he looked at the clock. "1 hour and 55 minutes left." I said and sighed.

"Let's run away." he said getting close to me. "W-what?" I looked at him confused. "I mean, let's get out of this detention. Through the window." he pointed. "Are you insane?! I'll die!" I gulped. "Heeyoung, I'm a vampire, remember?" he smirked. "Well?!" he reached out his arm. I closed my eyes and smiled. 

"Sure, let's run away. Together." 

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