Part 22. - Enjoy the living hell

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When I opened my eyes, Taehyung was already holding Jimin by the collar, and getting his fist ready to launch into the others face. 

"Woow, Tae, relax! I didn't actually bite her." Jimin's smile widened, he couldn't keep in his laugh anymore. "W-what?" Taehyung's madness left his body. He slowly released Jimin's shirt collar, and stepped back. "What do you mean?" I asked Jimin curiously. "I just pressed my two fingers onto your neck, so you'd think that I actually did it." he burst out laughing. 

"You really asked Jimin to do it?" Taehyung stared at me angrily. "I asked him to do it, so I'd save everyone!" I tried to explain it to him. "But you never even thought about saving yourself, or even me." he grabbed Jimin's wrist and pulled him away. "Let's go." he said. "But Taehyu-" as I was trying to stop him, he looked back at me with red eyes and veiny neck "Stay out of my life from now on!".

Then they jumped out of the window, and left. 

I sat down on my bed, and placed my pillow on my head, so I could hid my crying face from the world. I was so exhausted, my heart felt empty. As of all the happiness has gone from the world. After hours of crying, whining and shouting, I finally managed to fall asleep. 

~ The upcoming day ~

"Please, be careful Heeyoung. You know your father and I love you the most, right?" Auntie said. "Yes, I know that, Aunt Solmi! I love you guys too a lot!" I kissed her on the cheek, as she sat into the taxi. "I'm a little bit upset.. you stopped calling me mother." she made a sad face, but in a cute way. "I know, but I'm all grown up now! I know how to care of myself, and I am very grateful to have you two by my side. Please take care!" I blew her a kiss, as the taxi left. She pretended to catch the kiss and place it into her pocket. 

I sighed a big, and headed quickly to school. I looked at my watch, which was hanging on my wrist "Aiish! 5 mintues till class starts, I have to hurry!". I was running like a cheetah, because Physics was the first lesson, and I didn't want to be left out for even a minute. As I was running, I didn't realize that my shoe laces were untied, so my foot got tied into them and I tripped over. "Ugh!" as I slowly stood up, brushed off the dirt from my skirt, I saw my knee was injured. 

A blood drop was slowly racing down my leg, as I finally entered the school. I ran up the stairs, to my classroom. I knocked on the door twice, when I heard the professor voice quietly saying with a surprised tone "Come in?". As I opened the door, all of my classmates eyes were dragged onto me. "I'm sorry for being late. I had to say goodbye to my mother, because she was going back to America." I was breathing heavily, trying to explain myself why I was late to class.

"Yes, let's continue the class, shall we? Take a seat and copy the following tasks on the board, which will be your homework." the professor quickly picked up his book and continued writing on the board. 

I sat down to my desk, and quickly unpacked my stuff for the lesson, when I heard someone coughing. I looked into direction, as my eyes caught Taehyung coughing heavily and pressing his nose. He raised his left arm "Professor, can I please go to the bathroom? I feel a little sick.". When the professor turned his head behind "Of course. But be quick.". Taehyung only bowed and ran out. 

When I looked to the other guy, who was coughing, it was Jungkook. He obviously didn't ask the professor to let him go to the toilet, because the professor would think that the both of them are up to no good. He started ripping the papers from his notebooks back and stuffing them into his nostrils. 

I then remembered back when I tripped over myself. I looked down at my knee. I took out a napkin and poured a little water onto it and started rubbing off the blood, which was already stuck on my skin. Jungkook was staring at me all the time, and biting his lips nervously. When the professor saw me not copying what was on the board, he coughed "Mrs. Choi, please, if you have an injury, you may go to the medical room.". 

I looked up to the professor. "Ah, thank you, professor." I stood up, bowed and left the classroom in a hurry. I looked at my watch "Okay, I have 10 minutes, till class is over.". I rushed to the medical room, took out a plaster and placed it onto my injured knee. I accidentally placed the sticky side of it onto my wound in a hurry, and wanted to leave, but then a guy stepped in. I hit his chest with my head. 

I almost fell back, as he grabbed my wrist with his right hand, and my wrist with his left. "Ah, mianhae." he said, as he let me go. "Are you okay?" he asked, a bit worried. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I blushed, as I saw who it was, I got shocked. It was Baekhyun. He then sat down on the bed, took out a roll bandage, and started rolling it across his left arm. 

"Uhm.. are you okay?" I asked him, standing in the door. "Ah yes, I was just playing soccer with my classmates, and as I fell, my friend tripped over me and landed on my arm." he nervously said. "Oh, well, get well soon." I was about to leave the room, when he stopped me. "That's not how you suppose to put that on your knee." he pointed at the plaster. 

I sat down on the bed infront of him, as he kneeled, and slowly tried to take it off. "Ouchy.." I sad quietly, as he ably took it off. He took out of the wardrobe another plaster, and precisely placed it on my wound. "There you go, it'll heal after a day." he then stood up. "Uhm, how- " as I was going to ask him, he already answered. "Paper in nostrils." he winked at me and left.

I was very surprised. Wow, Baekhyun, so kind. I was still checking on my wound, when I heard the bell ring. "Oh no." I quickly stood up and ran out of the medical room. I was running to my classroom, to pick up my stuff before someone else does. Someone was sitting on the bench, which was infront of the classroom. The guy then stood up, and threw my bag to my feet, not even looking at me. It was Taehyung.

"Stop running with that wound of yours." he said with a deep, cracked, quiet voice. "Why do you still care?" I looked at him angrily. He then looked back at me, cold-blooded "Because I don't want you to make me eat you for  dinner. I already ate.". He then walked away. "Tsk, what a guy.." I shook my head, and looked down at my wound. The plaster had a blood stain in the middle. 

I picked up my bag from the floor, brushed off the dust, and placed it on my back, heading to the library. As I headed to the library, I was cursing Taehyung all the way "Ugh, that brat! I hate you, Kim Taehyung. He's so stupid, and cold-blooded, and annoying!". Everyone who stood in the hall looked at me like I was a lunatic. 

As I wanted to enter into the library, someone grabbed my hair and started pulling me out of the school, to the backyard. "Ouch! Stop it! Let me go!" I was trying to take off that somebody's hand from my hair. As that somebody let go of my hair, another person kicked me by my waist, as I fell back. "What did you just say about our oppa?" a girl said, with red lipstick and big black eyelashes. "Don't you ever call him those words, or you will find yourself in trouble, you bitch" as the other one said that, the both of them started laughing. 

They left, as I stood up and picked up my school bag. As I wanted to head back into the school, I saw Taehyung looking at me from the open window. "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS, TAE!" I was yelling, as I tried throwing up my bag at him. "Oh, I see you met some of my admirers." he was smirking at me.

 "Enjoy the living hell." his smirk then faded away, as he shut the window. 

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