Imagine #7 (Rainy Day)

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Author's Note: Sorry this is a little shorter than my other imagines. My original copy got deleted so I had try to remember what it was to re write it to the best of my ability! Hope you still enjoy it though! Feedback is greatly appreciated <3 

You and Sonny had decided to go around New York City and explore some new places and shops. Everything was going great at first, beautiful weather, not a cloud in the sky. What could possibly go wrong?

"Do you think it's gonna rain (Y/N)? It looks a little gloomy out" Sonny asked you

"We'll be fine, don't worry! Now come on, we have so much more to look at!" You said as you dragged him behind you.

30 minutes later you felt rain drops landing on your face

"Ah man! I knew this was gonna happen!" Sonny said in an annoyed voice.

By the time you guys arrived back at his apartment, you both were soaking wet. You didn't have any clothes to change into so Sonny let you wear one of his big shirts.

"You look so adorable (Y/N), I should let you were my clothes more often." He said before giving you a kiss.

You both decided that it would be good to have a movie night. You were gonna watch (Your 3 favorite movies here) and order pizza.

You were laying on Sonny's lap drifting off to sleep when he said

"Doll, the pizza's here. I need to go answer the door."

You reluctantly sat up and waited for him to come back

"Do you want any pizza?" He asked

"No, I just want you." You said back while smiling

"Well that can easily be arranged." Sonny said while pulling you into a hug

You two began to cuddle on the couch and finish the 1st movie

"God, I love rainy days" You whispered to yourself

"I do too." Sonny said back after kissing your forehead 

Carisi x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now