January 1st - Part 2

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January 1st, 2014.


“Hola, chickerita!”

“That’s not a word, Hime.”

“It is now. Get over it.”

“You’re so strange…”

“And proud of it, too!”

“Okay, I get it. Weird and proud. Anyway, I’m waiting for that new album to come out, Mister. When will I get to hear the female lead singer’s voice again?”

“I’m so telling Vic you said that.”

“I heard that!”

“Well, I guess he heard you, Lils.”

“You sound like a chick, Vic!”

“Shut up! I do not!”

“Stop fighting it, babe.”

“Go to hell, Jones!”

“Only if you come with me, Fuentes!”

“Alright, children, hush up. Vic, go fuck Tony, I’m trying to talk to Lily in pea–OW!”

“What happened, Himes?”

“He threw a cardboard box at me! Get back here, Fuentes!”

“Jaime, calm–”




“Oh, boys…”

[Struggling noises and random yelling.]


[No more struggling noises; silence.] Yes, dear?”

“I’m tired and I have to work tomorrow. Will you call me on Sunday? It’s Wednesday, right…? Well, I’m busy ‘till Sunday, so call me then. Okay?”

“Yeah, Lils; I will. Victor, I swear to God–”

“Bye, Jaime!”


The Calls [Jaime Preciado] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now