March 4th

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March 4th, 2014.

“Hiya, Hime-Time; how’ve you been doing?”

“I’m okay. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve had a hard time at my new job–got fired from Starbucks–but other than that, I’ve been great. How’s Vic been doing? Is he out of the hospital yet?”

“They’re letting him go tomorrow. He’s up and talking non-stop to Mike. They won’t shut up. Would you, uh… like to talk to him now?”

“Yeah, sure thing!”

“Alright, hold on [Shuffling and muffled noises before the phone is handed off.]

[A/N: Vic is italicized.]

“Hello, Lily! I know a lot about you already; Jaime never shuts up about you.”

“Well, h-hi, Vic… no, it’s not creepy. I never stop stal–I mean, uh…”

“I know you stalk me. Everyone does. Even I stalk me.”

“Did Jaime tell you?!”

“No. You just did. You just admitted it!”

“Fuck you.”

“When and where, darling?”

“Y’know, the way you and Jaime say ‘darling’ are really different.”

“We’re two different people with two different voices. What did you expect?”

“Don’t get smart with me. I mean with you, I can hear in your voice that you really care.”

“And Jaime doesn’t?”

“No–let me finish. In his voice, it sounds like he means more than that.”

“Like what?”

“It means more than just a caring name to him. Like he wishes it was something more.”

“Oh, I see what you mean. That’s so cute.”

“He has a girlfriend!”



“They broke up about a week ago over something to do with you.”


“It wasn’t just you. I think he found out she was cheating.”

“I told him!”

“We always knew it was coming. The three of us knew she was trouble.”

“Why didn’t he listen to you guys?”

“Love is love.”

“You make it sound like he was gay.”

“You know what I mean, missy!”

“Calm your tits; yes, I know what you mean.”

“My tits are calm and relaxed.”

“You are by far the most sexual person I’ve ever been friends with.”

“Aren’t we more than friends?”

“Give Jaime the phone.”

“But–[Loud noises as someone grabs the phone.]

“Hey darlin’, I’m back. Did he annoy you?”

“He’s so sexual, I swear. I’m kind of turned on though.”


“Please. How could you have virgin ears if you’re not a virgin?”


“Exactly. Look, we need to talk sometime soon. Right now, I need to head out to work.”

“Come on! Don’t leave!”

“I don’t want to get fired again!”

“I could just send you money every month. I have a lot.”

“Jaime, no.”

“Ugh, fine. Shoo. Leave your best friend here alone.”

“You have Vic, Tone, and Mike!”

“But none of them are you…”

“Aw, that’s adorable. But no. I have to go, and now. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. I love you, Lily.”

“I love you, too, Jaime.”

“Stay safe.”


The Calls [Jaime Preciado] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now