March 7th

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March 7th, 2014.



“Jaime’s takin’ a shower.”

“Well thanks for letting me know. Should I call back later?”

“No! I mean, uh, no. We could talk until he gets out. He should be done soon.”


“Alright, well, uh, hi. How’re you?”

“I’m good. Totally hung-over, though. The party last night was… damn.”


“Pick up any chicks?”

“What kind of question is that? I got two.”


“That’s sick.”

“In a good way?”


“Of course not! I mean sick as in disgusting, gross, nasty!”

“Pssh. You don’t know what it’s like. I’m still kind of tired.”


“Is Jaime out yet?”

“Chill out, you’re too loud. He just got out. Here. [Something hits against the phone.]


“Mhm. I don’t want to trip and die while getting dressed, so I’m putting you on speaker.”

“Oh, God. Let’s pray Vic doesn’t butt in like he used to.”

[He puts the phone down carefully, his voice now faint.] Alright, that’s better.”

“Are you hung-over like Michael?”

“Nah, I didn’t drink. I was actually the designated driver. Just had a few sodas.”

“Totally unlike you.”

“Yeah, really. We typically stay the night wherever we are, or Tone’s the driver.”

“And you usually get wasted.”


“Do you and Vic do the dirty while you’re intoxicated?”

“Sometimes. I’m really sore afterwards, though. Drunken sex takes a lot out of you.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“We’re boys, what did you expect?”

“Some self-respect?”

“I have self-respect!”

“Not really.”

“Pssh. [He picks up the phone.] Now, why are you calling me while you’re working?”

“I got lonely. I’m allowed to; I work at a tattoo parlor. I don’t do the tats, though.”

“What do you do, then?”

“Set up appointments, get the coffee and or lunch, make transactions at the register.”

“Sounds fun?”

“I guess you could call it that. As long as I do what the job requires, I can do whatever.”

“Do you get discounted tats?”

“I’m getting one later today, actually. Jett–my manager–is doing it for free.”

“Free? Really?”

“He just doesn’t want me to quit. Not many people want to be the artists’ bitch all day.”

“I see. You’re a bitch.”

“I’m not a bitch, bitch!”

“That came out a little wrong. Oops. Bitch.”


“Bit–oh, hey, mom…”


“Shut up, Lily!”

“Who’s Lily?”


“She’s his girl–”

“–friend, but not girlfriend, just a girl, who’s my friend. Don’t assume, Tony!”

“Well, isn’t that the most adorable thing ever! Is she pretty?”

“Yes, very, now go away, Mom!”

“Stop whining, Jaime, you know I hate that.”

“Sorry, Lils.”

“You even have a cute pet name for her! Aw!”

“That’s it. Mom–”

“I’ll call you later; I have to get lunch!”


The Calls [Jaime Preciado] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now