May 8th, 12th, 15th, 18th

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May 8th, 2014.

“I’m busy.”

“But Lil–”


May 12th, 2014.

“Jaime, I’m at work. Call later.”

“You always take your break when I call you–”

“I got in trouble and I almost got fired when they figured it out. Call later.


May 15th, 2014.

“I’m at a gig–”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No. I’m stressed. I’ll call you on Sunday, and then we can talk. I need to get back to taking pictures. I’m sorry, Hime.”


May 18th, 2014.

“No hanging up this time. You’re telling me what’s going on, right here, and right now.”

“Maybe some other time. Can’t we just talk…?”

“…Fine. What do you want to talk about?”

“Does it have to be something specific? It’s never specific. Where’s Vic? He always butts in…”

“I thought you said you hated it when he butted in.”

“You always want what you can’t stand.”

“I heard that.”

“Finally, there you are.”

“I thought you hated me, Lils.”

“How could I hate you?”

“You said you hated it when I butted in.”

“See, Lils? I told you.”

“But I don’t hate it. You just butted in too often, I guess. I never had a real conversation with my Taco.”

“Your ‘Taco’? Is that supposed to be racist or a pet name?”

“Oh, shut up, Victor.”

“You’re the one who said it! It’s kind of racist! Not all Mexicans like Tacos.”

“But all of you just so happen to love them.”

“Pssh… Whatever.”

“Please tell me he didn’t flip his hair, Jaime.”

“Oh, but of course he did.”

“Oh, my God. No he did not.”

“I so did. I did it again, too.”

“Get a hair cut.”


“No need to shout.”

“Yeah, seriously, Vicky. Calm them tits of yours.”

“Calm them for me, big boy.”

“Oh, la la…”

“Cya’, Hime. Sorry for being rude to you lately.”

“It’s alright. I’ll talk to you soon. I must calm Vic’s tits.”



The Calls [Jaime Preciado] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now