December 16th

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December 16th, 2014.

“So much to do, so little time…”

“Jaime, you had over a month.”

“I know, but still! I admit… my place was pretty messy. It takes a while to actually see the floor.”

‘That’s like me and my apartment. Toni is so dirty sometimes.”

“That sounded a little off.”

“You dirty-minded pervert!

“Aren’t all perverts dirty-minded?”

“You know what I meant…”

“So, when are you flying in?”

“Uh… New Years Eve, better known as my birthday, and I should be there around eight at night. Toni said she’s going to go see her boyfriend. I never knew he lived in San Diego.”

“Huh. That’s weird. Tone said he was going to see his girlfriend that same day…”


“Seems like it. Small world, huh?”

“Yep, I guess so. So, I have to make sure I have enough things for the trip. Off to the mall – more Hot Topic than anything – with Toni. See ya!”

“Talk to you later, Lils. Love ya.”


The Calls [Jaime Preciado] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now