Chapter 15 - First day of lessons

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Rosalie awoke at 6am too excited sleep, she quickly got into the shower and dressed in her school uniform. She sat on her bed waiting impatiently for the other girls in her year to wake up. By 7am all the girls were up and ready to go. Rosalie said a chipper good morning to them and they went down to meet the boys in there year. As soon as Rosalie saw Draco she hugged him fiercely, the other Slytherin looked at them in shock, even there friends, no one expected Draco Malfoy to willingly hug anyone, let alone in front of people. Everyone expected Draco to roughly push her off him, however to everyone's surprise he just chuckled and hugged her back tightly. Every single Slytherin in the room gapped at them not able to hide there surprise. "Ok we need to go, breakfast starts in 10 minutes" we all nodded our agreement and walked out of the common room with Rosalie and Draco at the front, Blaise and Theo behind them, Daphne, Millicent, Tracy and Pansy next and Vincent and Gregory taking the rear.

We followed the prefects down to the great hall and sat down gracefully when we got to the table. We started eating quietly, until there timetables were handed to them, this happened about 10 minutes after they got into the hall. Snape went up to all of them and handed each there timetable and for the first years he gave them a map of the castle so they wouldn't get lost. Her timetable read:

Today was a Monday so first Rosalie had Herbology with the Ravenclaws

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Today was a Monday so first Rosalie had Herbology with the Ravenclaws. The Slytherin first years got up and went to greenhouse 1 where they would be having there lessons. They walked calmly to there lesson. When they arrived the Slytherins and the Ravenclaws crowded around there Herbology Professor. She introduced herself as professor Sprout and started the lesson.

The lesson went by quickly with there professor talking about devils snare whilst the class took notes. The lesson ended quickly, the Slytherins and Ravenclaws walked to there next class which was Charms. They walked in to the room and they separated the houses so one house was in each half of the room. They started the lesson with there teacher professor Flitwick calling out there names to see who was present, when he got to Rosalie's name the half goblin fell off the stack of books he was standing on and squeaked, everyone tried to hide there laughter. Today they were learning the theory of wingardium leviosa. They were taught how to do the movements and the pronunciation of the spell. The lesson was just as boring as the first Rosalie did this lesson. Finally they were able to go to lunch as the lesson ended. The Slytherins walked calmly to the great hall in the same order they were in when they left the common room. The other houses looked at them in disgust but they just ignored the looks they got.

Before they could open the doors of the great doors Rosalie heard someone shouting her name. "Hey Potter", the Slytherins turned to see Ron Weasley and his lackeys Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas glaring at them. They swaggered up to them like they were most important people in the world. Rosalie and the other Slytherins looked disgusted when they saw them, Ron cane stomping towards and stopped when he was in front of Rosalie. "You were supposed to be in Gryffindor, we were supposed to be best friends, you ruined everything. Why did you have to get in to Slytherin?, the girl who lived is not supposed to be in Slytherin, you disgust me", he screamed in her face. Rosalie raised her eyebrow, she expected this to happen at some point so she wasn't surprised, but she didn't expect him to do it this early, she thought he would have at least waited a couple more days. She was about to speak but Draco beat her to it "how is it any of your business weasel? And what do you mean she was supposed to be your best friend?" He sneered at him. "Well obviously professor Dumbledore said she would be" he answered like it was normal. Draco was starting to get angry but before he could start yelling and Rosalie placed her hand on his arm and he calmed immediately. "It's okay, I would never be friends with someone like him" she whispered gently in his ear. Draco nodded and back at Weasley "go away Weasley, we don't associate with blood traitors like you", and they walked away calmly. They entered the great hall and sat down to eat, They are quietly before rising off the bench and walking out to go to there history of magic lesson.

They walked into the lesson and sat down on one half of the classroom and waited for there professor patiently. That was until the Gryffindors came into the room shoving each other around and talking loudly like a bunch of buffoons. The Slytherins ignored them to the best of there abilities but they were all starting to get annoyed. Finally professor Binns floated through the door. He was the only professor they had that was a ghost. History of Magic by common consent the most boring subject ever devised by Wizard-kind. Professor Binns, their ghost teacher, had a wheezy, droning voice that was almost guaranteed to cause severe drowsiness within ten minutes, five in warm weather. Rosalie put her head on her arms and tried to listen but the lesson was so boring, so she wouldn't fall asleep she started writing the letter she was going to send to Sirius and Remus. She decided to write two separate letters.

Dear Sirius,

I got into Slytherin. All my dorm mates are really nice and we all are already really good friends. I miss you so much even though it's only been one day. My classes are going well so far, but that isn't surprising as I've only done three so far. I've already had an argument with someone from Gryffindor, Ron Weasley, but he's an idiot so it doesn't matter. I'm gonna stop writing now because I have nothing more to say. I miss you and love you,

Rosie ❤️

Her letter to Remus pretty much said exactly the same thing just with more detail about her lessons like he asked her to. By the time she was finished the lesson was finishing. She packed up her stuff and left walking with her friends to go to their transfiguration lesson , again with the Gryffindors. Rosalie internally groaned the had to spend another hour with the Gryffindors. They entered the the class room and deprecated. Professor McGonagall called out each of there names just like professor Flitwick did. After that she said, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned". Then she turned her desk into a pig. The whole class was amazed except for Rosalie as she had already seen this happen before. Professor McGonagall gave them each a match and were told to turn it into a needle. The Slytherins who all had past experience with doing magic at home with there parents did it either immediately or after only a few tries. Professor McGonagall looked very impressed with there work and gave them all five house points each, then she gave them all a bunch of matches to turn into needles to keep them busy. Rosalie saw Hermione Granger glaring at her for doing it before her but Rosalie just glared back and sneered at her. She turned away quickly after that. The Slytherins started a competition to see who could change the most matches into needles by the end of the lesson. In the end Rosalie and Draco drew first place with Pansy and Blaise coming in a close second.

Before they left professor McGonagall told them to write a 3 ft essay on what you did in class today due in next lesson. They left quickly after that and had some free time so decided to get started on there transfiguration essay. Rosalie said she'd meet them in the common room as she needed to send some letters. They all nodded and went there separate ways. Rosalie quickly got to the owlery to send her letters, Hedwig looked happy to see her and Rosalie stricken her feathers siftly while she she attached the letters to her leg. "Go take them to Siri and Remus please Hedwig" her owl gently nipped her fingers before flying, Rosalie watched her fly away for a few seconds before turning around and going back to the common room. When she got there she saw her friends on the couches and a space saved for her next to Pansy. They all looked up and smiled at her when they saw her sit down. Quietly she got everything out to start her essay, which was due in tomorrow. By the time all of them were finished, Rosalie was the first to finish as she remembered a lot about that lesson from before, dinner was about to start so they all put there stuff away and left for dinner. They got there and sat down and waited for the food to appear. When it did they all dug in starving from there long day. Dinner finished quickly and they were told by professor Dumbledore to go to bed. All the Slytherins were exhausted so they did so quietly, falling asleep as soon as they fell on there beds. They slept peacefully for the whole night.

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