Chapter 3: "The dance class"

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"Jungkook? Is that you?"

He laughed through the phone. "Why are you laughing? I knew you had my phone number" you said as you smiled a bit. "How?" he asked as curious built in him. "I saw you writing my phone number on your hand" you said trying to catch him off guard. He was silent at that while you smirked. "What? Caught you?" you teased him.

You heard a chuckle after your sentence. "No, you didn't saw it, your best friend Tia told you" he said as he caught you off guard.

You felt defeated at that.

"Okay fine, you caught me but what is this?" you asked him with an irritating voice. "This is the free tickets, I got two, for your friend and you" he said.

"But wh--"

You were caught off by his voice. "Just meet me there" he said quickly and hung up. You shook your head in confusion when you walked upstairs and jumped onto the bed while you sighed tired. You were falling asleep when you heard the front door opened.

"Who could that be?" you said as you felt irritated and walked out of your room.

You slightly opened the door but saw a blue jacket going to the stairs. You froze when you heard the footsteps on the first step. You looked around your room when you saw a baseball on the table.

You quickly picked it up and opened the door when you threw the ball without hesitation. The ball hit the person as he fell downstairs. You ran downstairs with a flashlight that you grab in your closet. You shined the light in his face and saw a man with glasses on the ground.

Your phone suddenly rang as you picked it up.

"Hi Y/n, did a guy go to your house?" asked Tia with a happy voice. "Yeah...but I kind of knock him out by throwing a baseball at him" you said while you felt guilty for doing that. You heard Tia face palmed her head.

"Yah! That is Naton" she said. You looked at the guy and shined the light again as you took the glasses away and saw him. "Oops" you said while smiling. "Why did you do?" she asked with a frustrating voice. "I threw a baseball" you said. "He was going to pick up his stuff at your house, all the baseball stuff" said Tia as you heard a chuckle through the phone.

"Well sorry, he must knock before he enter my house" you said and hung up.

You carried Naton on your back to the couch as you threw him there and put a blanket on him. You sat next to him and leaned backwards on the couch as you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.

It was morning when you groaned and slowly opened your eyes as you felt someone next to you. You slowly shifted your eyes to your side and saw Naton with a smile plastered on his face. You notices how close you two are as you pushed him to the ground. He groaned in pain on the side of the couch and slowly stood up.

"Ouch...saw that coming" he said as you grabbed a pillow and threw that onto his face. "Not that" you said with anger as he fell on the floor. You walked to him with anger rising up to your brains.

"Yah! I am sorry" he said quickly. "What are you doing here? You need to be in the living room" you said frustrated but stood still as you looked around when you noticed you were in the living room with him.

He smiled at you as he shook the dirt of him. "You look hot in the sleeping dress" he said and winked at you. You almost slapped him but you pointed your finger at his stuff. You placed his stuff in front of your room.


He took his stuff in front of your room as he went down with a pouting face. "I can't leave without breakfast" he said while making a sad face now.

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