Chapter 9: "Preparation"

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She was so immerge in the story and it made her happy to hear the result. While you were talking further, you heard your mom talking on the phone as you frown.

"Uhh...Tia, I'll call you later" you said and turned off your phone without even hearing her response.

You placed your phone on your bed and got up as you walked out of your room. You went downstairs slowly and quietly when you stopped and crouched to see your mother speaking with someone on her phone. You were spying on her as you listened further.

"Yeah, go right and make a turn" she whispered while holding the speaker of the phone close to her mouth while she talked.

'What is she doing?'

You frowned and looked at her as she didn't notice you one bit and went even closer to her. You froze when she suddenly turned around as she walked to the couch. She sat there while talking on the phone and still didn't notice you. After a few minutes, she turned her body to the other side as her back faced you. This was the opportunity to get even closer.

You got off the last step and quietly walking to her as you waited for her. After two minutes or so, your mom sighed and put her phone on her lap and turned around with her eyes closed.

"Mom, who were you talking to?" you asked when she opened her eyes and jumped off the couch as she fell on the ground. "Omg! You startled me..." she said while holding her chest as she looked at you while inhaling and exhaling.

You got surprised at that and wanted to laugh but held it in. "Oh, I'm sorry but who was that?" you asked again, not even caring that she fell.

You were so distracted from the phone call that you weren't even looking at her situation.

"Two men in suit will come and ask me the exact date of my marriage" she said as she got herself up onto the couch when you snapped out of the distraction and helped her.


Not even a minute of the phone call, the doorbell rang as our heard turned to the door. You looked confused as you helped her sit again and walked to the door. You opened it and saw two men, wearing black tuxedo.

"Hi, are Mrs. Lee?" asked one of the men. "No, I'm her daughter but you can come in, she is in the living room" you said and opened the door wide to let them in.

After they had entered, you guided them into the living room when you saw your mom taking a pen. The men bowed and walked passed you as they sat across from your mom. They pulled papers out of their bags the moment they were seated.

"Hi Mrs. Lee, I am Mr. Kim and can I ask you the exact date of your wedding?" asked Mr. Kim that was handing the paper from the other guy.

The paper was handed to her while she saw you looking at the man as your eyes went to her. She smiled and patted the seat next to her, signaling you to sit next to her. You nodded and slowly slide onto the seat while looking at the men. Your mom turned her head to the papers and wrote the date onto it while saying it out loud.

"My wedding will be on April 7" she said happily as she gave the paper back to them.

When you heard her, you shot your head to her with a shocked expression. Her wedding on your birthday is a weird combination of celebration.

"Mom! That day is my birthday" you complained because you won't have a rest day there.

Your birthday is your rest day because on that day you were pushed out with all force so you need to rest. No party because you don't want to move anymore.

"Yeah and we are both important" said your mom with a smile as she shifted her eyes at the men. "No mom, your wedding day is the most important than my birthday" you said while you give up, because it her wedding day. "Since when?" she asked while she turned her eyes to you now as she had a frown plastered on her face.

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