Chapter 16: "Hiding from the past"

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"I'm sorry"

You didn't hear that as you walked out of the library. You looked at your watch and saw that you were late. You got your schedule from the principle, because while you were in the library, you almost forgot your schedule and went to take it.

You looked at your schedule and saw that you have science. You cursed under your breath as you searched for the school map. You didn't have time when the school bell has rung, signaling students to go to their classes. You arrived on the third floor. You ran the whole floor, searching for the science class when you finally gave up. You panted as you decided to ask a student who was still walking in the hallway.

You looked around and saw a boy walking with two other ones.

You smiled to yourself while approaching them.

You tapped on the tall boy's shoulders when he turned around with a frown. "Uhm, sorry to disturb you but can you tell me where the science class is?" you asked while panting as you spoke in one breath. He glanced at his bros and smiled. "Sure, should I show you?" he asked with an ugly smirk. You were crept out by that as you took a step back. "Uhm, yes" you said while still eyeing him.

He said goodbye to his friends and walked with you towards the stairs. We went up to the fourth floor and walked towards a dark hallway. You felt that something was off as you felt crept out by his behavior. He stopped in front of a class room and moved aside. "After you" he said as he showed you the way. You raised an eyebrow and walked in, when you suddenly got pushed the minute you slid the door open.

You landed on the ground as you looked behind you. You saw the boy with a creepy smile on his face, walking towards you. You immediately stood up and was ready to fight. He closed the door as the lights were turned on.

"Oh, I am ready to get some of your ass" he said with a lust voice. You made a disgusting face and slowly took a step back while he walked towards you. "Dude, let me go and I will spare you" you said. He chuckled and shook his head. "Spare me? Darling, I don't need to worry about that" he said and smiled at you. His creepy smile was weird for you. He licked his bottom lip and winked as he suddenly ran to you. You got startled from that and froze. He tackled you as you landed on the ground with him on top.

"That sweet ass is mine"

You struggled from his weight as you fought back. You clenched your teeth together and kicked his balls with you right knee. He froze as he slowly landed on the side, just enough time to get back on your feet. He winced in pain as he looked at you. "You bitch!" he yelled as he stood up and ran to you again. When he was near you, you grabbed his arm and threw him over. He landed on the ground as you immediately stomped on his stomach.

You did that rapidly, releasing the stress that was stuck in your body for two years. You had enough and stopped as you grabbed him and held him by his neck. You pushed him to the black board and held him tight. Your hand wrapped around his neck, got tighter and tighter.

"Don't you dare test me" you said with a low cold voice. He chuckled and punched your face when you backed away. He yelled when you went down and kicked his feet, letting him fall down on the floor.

You were mad as you got on top of him and started to punch him, really hard. You didn't notice the class room door was opened as you punched and punched and punched until he was out cold. You panted as you got off him. You stared at the guy and sighed when you finally noticed the light coming from the opened door. You shot your head and saw another tall boy.

"Want more?"

He stood frozen in the doorway as you ran to him.

"Wait, wait!!"

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