PART 1.9 - Ch 10

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Baker's POV

How 'bout you apply again this year?

Her words swirled in my head leaving unable to finish checking the assignments. My fingers clenched the red pen harder as the memories came flooding in.

How her shiny red curls was pulled into a bun. How they would force themselves out of the band and cascade on the bed sheets when she rolled over because of sleep. How her eyes squinted when the sunlight would peek into the intern dorms.

I did not realize how much time had passed when I zoned back to the present. I suddenly felt the guilt seeping in. I was screwing around with Summer while still hung up on an ex. I was not the type to go for rebounds but somehow I justified it saying that Summer knew what she got herself into.

I craved her touch, her lips smashing into mine passionately. The sneaking around, the urgency and the adrenaline rush because we could get caught anytime. It would lead to serious consequences but she was eighteen so jail time for pedophila was off the table. All this only increased the sexual tension between us. It brought the horny teenager within me.

My phone rung making me jump a little. I reached to it hoping it would be a booty call from Flemish.

It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

'Hello, Baker speaking, who is this?' words rolled out of my tongue automatically.

'Josh,' she whispered.

'Hell no!' my voice was angry, full of hatred and disbelief.

'Josh there's something you need to know,' Rose spoke up.

'I don't want to hear it,' I was ready to hang up.

'No! Please! This isn't about us. It's about the scholarship!'

'What is it?' it grabbed my attention.

'You can get it this time,'

'You mean the one you dumped me for?' I snarled.

'You didn't have to put it that way,' her voice was soft. I felt sorry for saying that even though it was true.

'I have to go, ' for some reason I felt embarrassed and could not handle her and the memories with her that I held onto so dearly.

It had been six months. Six months since the love of his life went away. Away with the medical scholarship he worked away his life for.

ROSES (TeacherxStudent)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang