PART 2.4 - Ch 15

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'She's a slut,' Tiffany stated with finality.

'Yeah definitely.' Mia nodded comically. Her small strands of black hair jumped up and down making it even more animated. It brought out a smile on my frowning face. My friends' methods to cheer me up always made me greatful to have them. I thank the universe for their existence.

'Guys we all know that wasn't the case. Mr Baker clearly made the move. I was there.' My shoulders dropped.

'-I was watching them like a hawk too.' my head dropped onto the pillow. I was embarrassed of my immaturity. I felt bad for the history teacher's bruise.

They understood that it was the end of the conversation and tucked themselves to bed. Guess Mia was not going to Parker tonight.

Wonder what Mr Baker's doing now.

I shoved the thought out of my mind. The man was screwing around with other people right in front of my damned face. He was not mine and I was not his, according to our agreement. Feeling jealous was out of the question. My actions were not justified and she wasn't a slut.

Either way I didn't have the right to call him, at least for the time being.  He was probably pissed at me or internally laughing at my stupidity. My bet on both.

This was the last night and yet another one with shattering expectations. I expect too much from him. Then it clicked. It was obvious from the start. I was not treating him the way he should be treated.  I was giving and wanting more from this relationship.

Everyday I realized something new about myself. The process of all this self-discovery was draining and sleep came over me.

Did the bed just shiver?

My arms moved around till it reached the phone under my pillow. How'd that go there?  As my fingers closed around the smooth metal plate, I realized that the phone was vibrating.
I held the phone in front of my face to get a better look at the contact. The light was to bright and my eyes squinted to see a bunch of random letters numbers signs and emojis.

Surprised at the sudden call I tapped the green button and held the phone to my ear.

'Yeah?' I was sure I did not call first.

'Come to the lake.' Joshua's voice spoke from the phone.

'Right now?' I asked for the sake of it. My feelings were there but they weren't strong enough to leave my precious sleep.

There was a short pause where neither of us spoke. I could hear him open his mouth and closing it again, hesitating to say anything further and then he just hung up.

What an ass. I thought as I climbed out of the bed.

I did not really care how deep in the night it was. I planned to meet up with him during this trip. I was going to do it even of he said no.

His hair was brushed back hastily as he sat beside the lake. His eyes fixed on the flow of the lake. The moonlight reflected from the water and fell on his structured features. It made it easy to see him the darkness of the night.

When I reached his figure and gently sat beside him. Unable to look at him in the eyes, I stared into the inky sky. There were no stars that night.

'I'm really sorry about Miss Moore,' I blurted out before he could scold me. I realized the mistake myself. I did not need someone to tell me that.

'She always wanted to be a teacher you know,' his voice was very light.

Forgeting my embarrassment, I turned to him, a little confused. He wasn't questioning me like he usually did.

He also turned for his shining eyes to meet mine. He gave me a genuine smile.

Again. Wtf?

'She's following her dreams.' His voice was toning into whispers now making it hard to hear him but the surrounding silence was helpful.

'That's nice. Good for her.' I went along with whatever he was taking this to. I was in no mood to discuss me being out of line. I didn't dismiss the fact that he might on something right now. I wiggled my toes making sure that I could get up and run anytime if we were caught.

'What would you do if you had a second chance to follow your dreams again?'

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