1 - Spring Primrose Night

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Today is my first day at my new school. I'm still sad I moved from Wyoming all the way to Minnesota. I mean I'm turning 17 years this year and I'm not happy about it. Anyways I'm a writer and actor. I struggle with what I want to be. I have a computer and a blog everyone loves. Everyone finds me different. When I was a freshman everyone thought I was a sophomore or a junior cause of how I act.
All my friends even noticed I was different. Except for my fake friends... They didn't notice. I had to leave my friends Hailey, Jack, Mick, Cali, and Brooklyn. Now I have to go to a new school with people I don't even know.

My Mom finally dropped me off at school at 7:35 am. I walk inside and tell the office ladies I'm the new student and here for the Principal. They tell me to sit down so I can get a picture for my ID. I got it and didn't look back. I put my lanyard around my neck and go in.

Mr. Clementine said, "Oh Ms. Night  please sit?" I do as told. He gives me my schedule. I get confused. "No School on Fridays... And today is a Red Day so you don't go to art and Chemistry. You go to Lifetime and Study haul and you can leave today at 2:35 pm okay?" I nod.

"We have a student touring you around today," He responded. Great... Someone is going to tour me around school.

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