28 - Justin Drew Blake

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*Eight years later*

I was walking downstairs getting ready to take someone to school but seeing if my Wife was finishing breakfast. "Morning Hun," I said.

"Good morning Babe," she said. She looks up at me. "You know what I want right now?" Spring asked. I look at her waiting for her to continue, "I want your lips."

"Than Hun give me all you want," I say. Than we connect our lips. I pull her closer towards my body. She puts her hands on my cheek. I feel her slowly have her hands go through my hair. "Mom! Dad! Stop.. Gross!" We pull away. I whisper, "I see why we don't do this everyday." She chuckled softly than Whispered back, "Maybe if you come home early we can have alone time." I give her a peck than sit down at the kitchen table. "Am I getting food?" I walk up and pick up my 7 year old daughter, "Summer you have to be calm. Where's Daniel at?" I ask putting Summer in her seat. I turn around and 5 year old Daniel is in Spring's arms. "Daniel come on." I take him out of her hands and put him in his seat. Spring puts breakfast on our plates and than grabs her own and sits down next to me.

"How long do you have to work this time?" Summer asks. "Early enough to pick you up from school today." She smiles. She's just like Spring. "Are you sure?" Spring asks. "Hun, I promise." She doesn't seem impressed. We finished eating our food and than I ask Spring, "Sweetheart do you want me to take the kids or do you want to? Or do you want to come with me while I take the kids to school?"

"Today is your day off isn't it?" She whispers in my ear. My job is a producer to making famous YouTube videos and yeah I'm having the day off today. I nodded yes than she whispered in my ear, "Good so you and I can have alone time." "Mhm yes Baby." Than we kissed since Summer and Daniel went to go get their sweater and backpack. "Daddy!" Summer said. We pull away, "I'm coming baby girl." Spring puts on Daniel's seat belt while Summer was putting on her seat belt. Spring and I get in the front and drive the kids to school.

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