25 - Spring Primose Night

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*Three days later*

Finally back at my house while feels weird. My sister Vada whose 16 years old across from me. My brother Caleb whose 19 years old, next to me. Vada said, "So Spring, I heard you and Justin were at a suite Together..." Caleb and My Mom look at me.

"So what about it?" I asked.

"Vada I don't think now is a good time-" Caleb said.

"Did you two have sex?" She said. Caleb and My Mom stop what there doing. I look at Vada. How did she know?

"Oh.... You haven't told Mom and Caleb yet?" I don't say anything. "How could you do this to me?" I ask.

"Oh please it's not like I'm the only one that saw the used condom in the bathroom. Caleb and I thought Mom was sleeping with someone.. turns out it was you," Vada said.

My Mom's eyes go wide. "Caleb is that true?" She asked.

"Vada we agreed to keep it secret till we found out the truth," He said.

"How could you do this to me?" I say having tears going down my cheeks. "Mom won't even look at me the same now... Caleb I thought you were on my side?"

"It happened.... We weren't expecting you to get the truth out," Vada replied.

"Mom..." I still had the ring Justin gave me on my finger. "When did you get that?" She asked.

"When Justin proposed to me.." that's when things happen. My Mom said loudly, "HE PROPOSED!?"

"Y-yeah... He did... At Prom," I said. Caleb and Vada get wide eyed. "Someone please say something..."

"I can't believe your sleeping with your Fiancée," Vada said.

"Vada!" My Mother and Caleb said. "What it's true. Sex before marriage is a sin according to the Koran and the Bible." She said. Everyone looked at her angry.

"Vada if you just kept you goddamn mouth closed I'm pretty sure none of this was going to happen!" He yelled.

"Caleb!" My Mother yelled. "Well at least I'm not hiding from everyone that I have a girlfriend!" Vada responded. Oh no.... "Vada! You weren't supposed to say anything!"

"Enough," My Mother said angry. "Oh yeah. At least I'm not the one sneaking out to parties and getting high without anyone knowing it." Everyone stops and looks at Vada.

"Caleb how could you?" She said crying. "Well guess who let the cats out of the bag." He said.

"Enough! Vada we're having a talk tonight. Caleb why didn't you tell us?... And Spring we have some things to talk about.... With Justin." She said.

"I felt like someone would judge me for having a girlfriend." He said. "No... I saw you two together.. I'm really happy for you Caleb, be with someone who makes you happy. You would always get girl advice from me... So I figured maybe he got a girl. Than I saw you two together." I said.

"At least someone in this family is supportive," my Mom said. Caleb and I have always been close... Now that I found out Vada and Caleb were hiding something from me it made me feel like I'm nothing anymore.

"Caleb, Spring, you excused... Spring I'll talk to you and Justin in a few minutes. Right now.... Vada and I need to talk." She said. Right when Caleb and I were walking to the stairs we heard Vada yell, "Mom! I'm sorry! Mom! Ouch!" Than we heard a slap. We run upstairs and than Caleb and I sit in my room.

"Why did you come with us to Minnesota? I mean besides College." I said. "Well Spring this is my last year of College. Than I'm off to writing books. So you and Justin getting married?" He said. I nodded, "He asked me in front of Prom. He and I have had sex before..."

"Was it...?"

"Making love or fucking.... It was making love. I would get hickies from him and stuff... It was romantic." He nodded. Vada was downstairs on the couch sitting there. We didn't want to go downstairs yet. "Vada your grounded for a month. If you try sneaking out and stuff than I will hunt you or your siblings will hunt your ass down do you understand?"

"Yes Mom," she said. We went back upstairs and I heard a knock on the door, "Justin hey."

"Hi Marietta, your daughter home?" He asked. Caleb and I went downstairs and hid so we could hear.
"We need to talk actually."

"About what?" He asked calmly. "Did you propose to my daughter?" She asked.

"Yes." He said. "Why? You two are both 17 years old. Do you really love my daughter?" She asked.

"This matters why?" He asked. "This involved my daughter. You don't have to worry to much, are your parents okay with this?" She asked.

"Yeah they are okay with it. Plus She and I are going to be 18 years old next year why is it bad to purpose to her? Bella and Edward got married at 18." He said. I whisper to Caleb, "Did He really bring Edward Cullen and Bella Swan into this?" He nodded.

"Look, I really love your daughter. Your daughter, Spring, gives me this feeling no one else has given me. She makes me happy. I get Butterflies in my stomach just hugging her. Getting to know her was so amazing, it made me happy.... Spring is the one. I've been with two girls before and they never gave me that feeling of loving someone. I've been with 6 boys and they haven't given me that feeling either..... Spring gives me feelings, good feelings that I can't even explain. It happened so quickly.... I love her smelling and studying about the flowers in the Spring time.."

"Thats why I named her Spring, she always loved flowers and trees after Winter," My Mother said. "I love Spring. I hope I do get to marry her soon. Cause my Love from my heart is meant for her. I don't know if she loves me this way... But I do."

"I'll let her get married... After she turns 18 years old though," She said.

"Thank you Marietta. I never expected this to be bad. Could I ask your blessing on something?" He asked.

Caleb looked at me like he has never been amazed about a guy loving me so much. I tried not to laugh. "What is it?"

"Would you mind if your daughter could come to Los Angeles with me next week?" He asked. I looked at Caleb when was he going to tell me this.

"How long will you be there?" She asked. "For three days, than we're going to Vegas, she could come home after Los Angeles if u want Marietta."

"The first day you all go to Vegas, she needs to have her butt on a plane back here." She said.

"Okay thank you," he said. Caleb and I left to go upstairs. "So what does this mean?" I asked. "You all are meeting Haven." Caleb said I laughed a little.

"Well she knows you two are sleeping together. Yeah but what about Vada?" I ask.

"She's 16 years old, she'll be fine." He said. I nodded. "I'm going to sleep."

Caleb picked me up and gave me a long hug, I'm 5'5 and my brother is 6'3 I'm hurt lol. I hugged him back.

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