14 - Justin Blake

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It was 8:44 p.m. and I was waiting for it to be 8:55 p.m. I asked Spring, "Want Something to drink?" She nodded. "Find a table." I said and went to go to Marietta Spring's Mom. I said in her ear, "Could you tell the DJ to put on a song by Cinderella? Or a song that Belle danced to Beauty and the Beast with?" She nodded and got up. I got a drink and some snacks and went to the table were Spring was sitting.

Than we hear a microphone, "So our King and Queen for this dance is.... Justin and Spring!" Everyone looks at us and starts clapping.

"This song was requested by Justin. Please Mr. And Mrs. Blake please take the floor first." I stand up and stick my hand out for her. She grabs it and we go into the middle of the floor. We make a couple of moves and than I spin her around while the "tea pot" to beauty and the Beast started singing. I twirled her around and kept dancing with her. I haven't danced with someone like this since I was 15. Now everything about her made her matter. Than four young couples started dancing in Sync with each other while we were dancing. Everything blurred out.

"How do you like the ball?" Spring asked.

"Amazing. Our Mothers did Amazing on this," I respond.

"Yeah well they stayed up till 3 doing it all." She said. I smile, "What?" She asked.

"Would you trust me if I got a box of condoms?" I asked. "Why?" She asked. "So... My Dad and Mom were talking they ordered a suite for us at this hotel. It's in Minneapolis and only famous people go to this hotel... Your Mom already knows. We told them you were coming with me... They wanted us to be "alone" tonight."

"Oh... Will there be a Jacuzzi in this room?" She asked. I nodded, "Well I wouldn't mind going." She smiled. I blushed of the thought of it. Than we kissed. It was a simple but sweet kiss.

Than the song ended and everyone was clapping. After a few songs and having some appetizers. We decided to tell people we were leaving. My Mom said it was okay. As we were making it to my house lots of people came up and talked to us. Than we got upstairs and Spring got three towels and an extra pair of clothes. When she was about to put her bikini in I stopped her.

"We're not swimming with swimsuits." I say. She smirked and put her makeup in, also her phone and charger. We went into my car and I started it. I ask, "Where we going now?"

"Condoms," she replied. I laughed a little so did she. I ran into the drugstore and got a box of condoms. We drove to the hotel room. We checked in and it was the biggest and last hotel room suite. It was beautiful. I told Spring I was going to get ready to swim and she went to the bathroom.

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