Time~Chapter 30

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I stared down at the ground as I floated towards the main hall, in my cat form. The Avengers followed along behind me. I spun around and continued floating, but had my stomach facing up at the ceiling. I stared at the ceiling now, taking in the details. I closed my eyes when we passes a chandelier, so as not to get blinded by the bright light.

I was dead silent while they conversed among themselves. I felt isolated and different. Just as I had felt before I went tumbling down the rabbit hole to appear in the Human world. I am the only magical cat in Wonderland. I couldn't focus on anything. Well, I never can. Having ADHD is part of the package of being Wonderlandian. We passed by the March hare, they stared at us and spilled his tea a bit as he shook a bit.

"You're not welcome back!" He exclaimed, being his usual ill-mannered self. I roll my eyes at him.

My tail slowly started to dissipate, followed by my legs and body. Finally, it just left my head. "I know you must hurry, but I want to have a bit more fun. I leaving you to find your way back. Good luck!" I smirked and my face was no longer visible, leaving behind my smiled. Because when I disappeared, I was upside down, so was my grin, making it look like a frown. It steadily turned to show that it was a grin. "Have fun~" And then I was no longer in sight. I could hear the hero's loud yells of protest.

I silently snapped my fingers, making a note appear before them. Bruce reached out and took the note from floating in the air and read aloud. "I may not be there to help you, but there are many other Mad wonderlandians wandering throughout the castle. If you come across some of them, you may ask for help to get to the throne room, which is where I will be, ready to make the portal. But don't forget, think mad~" The small piece of yellow paper disappeared from his grip. I heard some thing groaning, causing me to stifle a laugh.

    "Let's head back to the March Hare!" Natasha exclaimed then jogged back to the insane creature.

I watched as their figures left my sight. I sighed before teleporting to the throne room. I fast walked to Queenie's head guard and handed him a device. "Press this button when they arrive to alert me. I will teleport immediately and make the portal." The man nodded and took the device. I turned and nodded to the a couple more of the guards, before disappearing from their sights.

"Let's go back in time." I said to Time as I appeared in his castle like home. He sighed and nodded before throwing one of the time orb things. "You must do this quickly." He said. I nodded before stepping on the machine, to go back and find where Red had gone.

~With Time after Cheshire left~

"I swear, this is the last time I am ever do this. First it was Alice, then Alice again, then the Queen, then Alice then me with Alice. I loosing track of what was happening!" I talk to myself.

"Guys! Time is loosing track of time!" One of my minions yelled. I glared at it before hitting it upside the head. It fell to the floor, while other minions came running up to it and helped it up. I rolled my eyes at them before staring at the controls, waiting for Y/n to return.

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