Back Home~ Chapter 40

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Y/n smirked at the screaming, red haired woman that was threatening to cut off her head. Y/n only laughed at the woman's meaningless threats. The maddest being in Wonderland was currently in their cat form. The large cat was floating through the air, circling around the hot headed queen's cage.

"Oh, Hearts! When will you ever learn?" The girl laughed loudly.

"DO NOT MOCK ME!" She screamed.

"Who said I was mocking? I was simply asking a question, or... maybe I wasn't. You see, that is where English grammar really confuses me. Saying a simple sentence can have one meaning, but saying the same sentence, but with a different tone of voice could change it to a question... but it could also change it to an exclamation. Or saying a simple sentence, but adding infliction to one word could change the meaning. It depends on which word you stress, that changes the meaning. And WHAT THE HECK IS A GERUND?!" Y/n was cut off by everything going dark. She looked around.

"HEY! WHO TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS?!" She yelled, but was cut off when the Hatter pulled his hat off of her head. "Oh.... Yay!" Y/n exclaimed childishly as she danced around the room.

"Cheshire!" She heard Queeney yell from another room. She smiled and did a small, childish salute before teleporting away. Instantaneously, she found herself standing before Queeney inside the throne room. Y/n quickly fixed her hair. Queeney smiled and started to speak, while her hands fluttered around.

"Yesterday, your friends returned to earth." Y/n nodded effortlessly. "How long is a day?"

"In wonderland, a day is two months on Earth." Y/n replied. Queeney nodded and smiled at her long time friend.

"You should go back to Earth. Your friends are there, and they need you."

"But... what about Wonderland?" Y/n asked.

"You can always return. We have made an endless amount of Magic refuelers for you, so you don't have to worry." As Queeney said this, ten soldiers approached, each holding two water bottles, filled with the magic fueler. Y/n smiled, and clicked her tongue, because she couldn't snap her fingers while in cat form, causing a hat that was similar to the Hatters to appear. She took the hat and placed all twenty bottles inside, before placing the hat on her cat head.

"Thank you." Y/n whispered, while hugging the queen. She went around all of Wonderland, hugging her friends and people she didn't even know.

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