Quick ch.1

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"..Barcelona!" My mother practically yelled in shock while stand at the foot of my bed. I was currently packing my suitcase with clothing that I can wear in the sun. "Why Barcelona? I mean, what's there that's not here?"

I chuckled while shaking my head, "An opportunity mom. I'm getting paid over a thousand dollars for every painting and at the end there's a competition where I could win over twenty thousand dollars. That's enough to get me set."

My mother eyes went slant as she thought of what to say, "I don't trust this. Who would give people a thousand dollars and on top of that tweet thousand? Whoever is doing that is blowing their money away. What if it's apart of a sex trafficking scheme? No, definitely not."

"Mom," I whined. "Irvine has a mansion and a rack of security. Besides she's going to have a bodyguard." I actually don't know about the bodyguard, but she's going to have security...

"Still don't trust it."

"But you trust me, right?" I questioned.

Her face immediately turned soft, "Of course sweet heart."

"I'll be fine mom, don't worry." I zipped up my suitcase and set it by the door with the others.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"Um," I hesitated before answering. "Eight months."

"Eight months! What the hell are you going to be doing- you know what... Aaron!"

I slowly rolled my eyes to the fact she's bringing my father into this. "Mom you don't have to-"

"Huh?" Dad walked into the room with a worried look upon his face. "What's happening?"

"Kaxity is going to Barcelona for eight months, to do this art competition."

"I get a thousand dollars for each artwork I do," I added in so he can see the value of this trip.

My dad as usual, looked into the distance as he thought of this plan. "Well, you do kill two birds with one stone. Kaxity is going to have fun and also make money, we can't stop her for doing that. Even though eight months is a little questionable."

"Dad you basically said yes with the choice. I'm going!" I ended the conversation before my mom could put her two cents into it. By giving my dad a glare, mom walked out of the room while mumbling a few unpleasant words. Dad of course followed her like a lost puppy.

Mike soon walked into the room with Neavia following behind like always. Her curly hair bounced on her head as she skipped along on Mike's footsteps. Ever since she could walk, Neavia has followed Mike around- it was cute to us, but annoying to Mike. "Heard you're going to Barcelona."

"Heard or ease dropped?" I questioned while checking if I had everything.

Mike chuckled while crashing his head, "Eight months though, that's a really long time."

I shrugged my shoulders as if it wasn't all that bad, even though it's basically a year to us. "Well, I'll keep in contact and you can always visit during the summer."

Neavia managed to pull herself on my bed, before laying in the middle of it with a huge smile upon her adorable face. "Kaxity leaving us?" She looked exactly like our mom; dark skin, dimples, dark brown eyes and chubby cheeks, the only thing different is that Neavia has long and loose hair.

"Only for a little, I'll be back."

She gave me a pout and her signature evil eye, "Mmhm,"

I chuckled while shaking my head at the maximum adorable behavior coming from her. "Come on guys, look on the bright side- I'll be getting out of my comfort zone and exploring a different place." I pointed out.

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