Quick ch.18

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I stayed longer than it was attended, well I needed to stay longer. I had Mike pick up Neavia from daycare and allowed him to order pizza for the night while I stayed with Violet. Violet and I did not speak much after our little conversation, we just watched a movie and cuddled. How cliche is that, it made my insides warm.

We were currently laying on the couch, watching some movie of VH1. Violet laid behind me, arms wrapped around my waist as she kissed my neck from time to time. I enjoyed it and chuckled every time while squeezing her hand.

"If you're trying to turn me on, maybe do a little bit more than pecking my neck." I teased, causing her to chuckle.

"You know damn well that's all it takes to make you wet," She whispers in my ear, making me shiver in arousal. "I have a question."

"And I have an answer."

"Have you ever thought about looking for your parents? To see who they are and where they are."

I sat up slowly, eyes wide from shock. I tried to push the thought of my biological parents away. "Well, not exactly. I really don't want to know about them,"

"Why not?" Violet sat up as well.

I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't have an excuse. "I don't know. What if my parents have a good life with kids and a mansion? Or they're separated with other families? Or they're dirt poor and drug addicts? There are many possibilities with theses things."

"You never know until you find out,"

"Well, I don't really want to find out." I left it at that by laying back down. Out of many subjects, my parents were the most touchy subjects I ever faced. I knew who they were; I know their names and faces, but I never put it to use because I was scared and still scared.


I walked in my parents home with the aid of Violet dropping me off so I won't have to take the train back. The house was quiet; no sound of laughter, the television, Mike's music or Neavia's toys- just silence and darkness. Considering it was eleven at night and they both had school in the morning.

I did not bother to go in the kitchen to see if they left me left over pizza, I just went straight upstairs to the spare room and stripped out of my clothes to lay down with nothing but my sports bra and underwear. Hopefully Neavia doesn't barge in here in the morning. The thought of that gave me enough energy to throw a t-shirt on, I don't want her to be traumatized at a young age.

When I woke up, it was already day. The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose and the sound of cartoons filled my ears. I groaned before rolling out of bed and to the bathroom where I can start my day.

Making my way downstairs, the sounds of laughter and cartoons became louder and the smell became stronger. Neavia was in the living room watching re-runs of spongebob, while Mike was whipping some breakfast. His love for cooking was obviously noticeable, he received the trait from our father.

"Smells good," I inched into the kitchen as if I was a guilty suspect.

Mike did not turn to look at me, he just nod his head in agreement and kept scrambling the eggs until it was done and good to eat. Finally he turned to me after turning off the stove. "Came in kinda late last night young lady. Do you want to explain why?" He held onto the wooden spatula. His whole image and attitude screamed dad, like I said before: they're twins.

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