Chapter 1

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Having what she called a cursed fate made her miserable, but of course she had a straight face and posture. a long gown made of silk from another kingdom called vietiaame, made her a princess. sadly though she didn't want to be a princess it might sound wonderful and glorious , but it was stressful and lonely. always being discriminated against was terrible, for she was only one quarter a princess and the only reason she was not kicked out of the castle was because of her strange hair colours. Yes colours as in more than one. three colours made up her strange locks reddish brown, black, and streaks of white.
Colour of hair was so very important because most commoners had black hair and if you had a different hair color you were turned into a royal or killed. either way it was terrible, you could die with your family or stripped away from your family for them to die and you to live. So her hair was the only thing keeping her alive, but also the thing that caused assassination attempts on her life. and today had included another one of those assassination attempts ...
"Wow a real person this time. that's new" she says to herself as a guard continues fighting the man and she is taken away by her maid.
she hears a blood curtling scream "well my guard is dead now." she deadpans to herself as her maid rushes her a little faster. but she is so slow that the princess is practically walking, so the princess rips off the top layer of her dress and picks up her maid starting to run. she runs a bit strangely at first but picks up her speed and stops wobbling.
Princess please but me down and put back on the dress" the maid states
"No you are too slow and the dress drags me down. how are we supposed to escape if we are as slow as turtles?" she teases and the maid shuts her mouth.  thut thut thut.  the maid hears behind her.
"AAAAHHHHHHHH" the maid screams and hugs her neck tighter.
" Is he behind us can you tell me what he looks like?" the princess questions.
" H-he's behind us.he has a mask on but his eyes are a very bright blue and i think they're glowing, i think he is using sorcery or someone near by is chanting a spell on him" her maid responds in a paniced tone.
The hairs on the back of the princesses neck stand up and she falls to the ground with the maid.
"OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO DIE AAHHH" her maid screams as a fiery lightning bolt comes crashing above her and the princess. Boards and debris fall and she gets back up with the maid in her arms to start running again before the assassin got up, but it was too late and he was in front of them.
"princess save yourself i'll hold him off as long as i can, ok" her maid tells her and jumps out of her arms and walks forward.
"No we'll leave the hard way then" the princess says with a small hint of mischievousness in her voice
"what do- HOLY MOTHER OF PEARLS" the maid yells as the princess takes her into her arms again jumping out of a 10 foot story window sliding down the roofs, then jumping a story down each time theroof ends. finally the assassin cannot follow and turns away, suddenly bursting out of the ten story window in one big leap landing on his feet.
"Okay that has to be impossible. what type of magick are you using or who's controlling you?" the maid asks with shock and fear in her voice.
"I don't know my sorcerer won't tell me" says the assassin with a cold voice which made her shiver.
" okay then who is trying to kill me and wh- "
Boom Boom Boom small fireworks are set off in the distance. they all look at the fireworks, but when the princess and maid look back the assassin was gone.
"well i'm guessing that the magic was wearing off and he had to leave... princess let's get you back inside and into some new clothes it's getting cold out and you need a new room to sleep in."
"Hm what's wrong princess Arinorin are you not feeling well?" the maid says in a concerned voice and worry in her features.
"Don't call me princess Arinorin just call me Rin, Mein, and i just want to know more magick. you seem to know a lot so teach me even if it's forbidden for royals to know how to use magick just teach me Mein, please" rin says with pain in her voice from her maid and friend of ten out of her twelve years of life
"as you wish Rin"
they head back not knowing that Rin was bleeding from a scar she was given long before this attack.later they attempt to fix the problem but the scar becomes more prominent "oh well' rin says not caring at all, but she would later.

^J^ hey y'all so I wrote the first few chapters when I was still in like 7th grade so don't be too judgey okey dokey bye

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