Chapter 11

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Riding out of the castle was not what Rin wanted so when they got to the edge of the city, Mein and Rin got out of the carriage and told the mister with the carriage to stay there.

"are you sure you want to walk around" Mein asked worried

"yes i need to get some kind of exercise"

"well okay if you say so"

They walked around for a while and and looked at some shops and they bought one thing and it was commoners clothes for Rin when she sneaks out at night. when they bought it Mein gave Rin a funny look that said 'why the heck do you need commoner's clothes for.'

After a while of walking and and talking together their peace was interrupted by a fight at one of the shops. a scary looking guy was yelling at an old man and his daughter. the daughter was protecting her father by the looks of it.

"come on lady Rin let's go this way" Mein said trying to get Rin to walk the other way.

"no i want to see what happens come on let's get closer" Rin exclaimed dragging Mein by the arm over to the spot.

"hey old man you think you can get away with selling me cheap things like this" the larger man was holding up a small hairpin and throws it to the ground and it shatters.

"Hey mister we worked hard on those and they aren't cheap they are high quality!" yells the girl holding her father who looks in pain.

"i've heard enough mein do something about that man right there" Rin says pointing at him.

" i'm sorry but i can't use magic on a civilian they might get hurt and or the people around them"

"then do it as a friend trying to help others and not a the great mage please i want to help them" Rin pleads

"well okay but i won't use it on him i'll just use magic to boost my strength and power and speed. boost celeritas robur et po tentia in medio ventris mei."

"hey mister tough guy bullying those two why not pick on someone your own size" says Mein in a hero like stance

"whaat and you think i'm your size HAHA i could beat you to a pulp little girl" he said boasting and buffing out his chest. he takes a swing at Mein and she dodges the attack and kicks upward and hits his family jewels. "Ahh" he screams as he falls to his knees. as he falls she knees him in the nose and he falls all the way to the ground unconscious.

"Um thank you miss for helping me and my father out we're in your debt"

"no don't mention it i was only ordered to by my master" Mein says gesturing towards Rin who nods her head in the young girls direction.

"ah Mame please help me"

"oh father are you okay, can you heal him the mister broke father's arm when he flipped the stand" Mame beggs Rin

"i will do what i can" Rin says to Meme as she leans down and chants a spell and his arm stops hurting and she fixes the broken bone.

"oh thank you my ladies" they both say and kneel in front of them

"no worries" Mein says waving her hand "well we need to be going I'm glad we could help"

"um might i ask your names" Meme asks

"i am Mein Wao the mage and this is my mistress the lady princess Arinorin Leari the next ruler" mein states and rushes Rin back to the carriage.

once they get back to the carriage they ride back to the palace. once they make it back it is already dusk and the princess goes back to her room and says goodnight to Mein with a hug.

"i had a good day with you today" Rin says to Mein as she walks away.

"yeah i had fun with you too" replies Mein.

"let's do it again sometime"

"Sure sometime"

Mein leaves the hallway and Rin closes the door 'okay let's get ready' she thinks to herself. she undresses and bandaged up her chest and puts on the clothes she bought to day. she finds two bottles of black ink and dumps them into a bucket and puts all of her hair into there and it turns black.

she takes a towel and dries her hair and then puts it in a her hat and keeps her hair tie on her wrist. she sneaks out of the castle still a little light in the sky and walks out through the back garden door.

"i'm free, woohoo" she says jumping into the air and runs in the direction of the orphanage.

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