Chapter 8

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"you let him win? you shouldn't have done that he probably won't be home til the morning and it's only seven o'clock would you mind looking for him please he shouldn't have gotten far" mommy say seriously, even though she knew Rin had just met them.

Rin nods and runs out the door full speed yelling his name over and over again. and apparently gets the attention of a few gang members and they start stalking her running behind her and she stops in an ally.

"well that's a dead end" she turns around to see a bunch of people holding weapons of different kinds. "may i help you" she asks not really expecting an answer but had to ask.
Back at the orphanage Alli come back home and sees that Ren had left "where did Ren go?" he asked getting a little worried.

"huh he went looking for you why do you look so worried?" mommy now getting worried from Alli's expression.

"the Rowckro gang is out tonight and i saw some of them running somewhere"

"what! then that means-"
she was cut off by the gust of wind made by Alli moving so fast out the door "godspeed to you, protect him Alli"

Alli was jumping roof from roof looking for Ren moving so fast the wind in his hair and almost making him deaf but he could faintly hear the sounds of screams and grunts. he smelled the air and could smell blood in the air and he made a right turn and saw what he hoped wasn't true.

Ren being held by two men, and unconscious people all around probably done by Ren. Ren had blood all over her and a few cuts on her arms and blood coming out of her leg and some of her hair being cut unevenly a man standing in front of her telling her something Alli heard some of the conversation.

"you wrench your going to pay for what you did to my men with your life but before that i'll torture you a little" he says to her as he cuts a little line in her arm and blood spills from the cut.

"AHHH, argh you'll pay for thi- AHHHH" she screams as he kicks the cut in her leg.

Seeing all this made Alli agerier at the man and his inner magick pouring from him, as his blue eyes start to glow he stands and jumps in one large jump. He lands in front of the man and kicks his ribs, rin hears a crack and the man went flying into the wall. the two men let go of Ren and grab their boss and run but sadly they were too slow and Alli caught up with them and kicked the two men first and they died from a broken necks.

Alli grabs the boss from the ground and holds him from the collar "please don't h-hurt me" he pleads as Alli glares at him and decides he deserves to die as well.

"if you did not want to get hurt you should not have hurt what is precious to me" he says coldly and smiles "bye bye" he says before he breaks his neck in one swift move. 'But i just met Ren how is he precious to me?' He questioned himself.

he walks back to Ren and picks her up in his arms 'wow he's so light just like a girl, and so cute i could just kiss him' he thinks to himself blushing 'what no i could not totally kiss him that would be so wrong plus he's unconscious and i would be taking advantage of him'

"A-alli put me down i can walk just fine" Rin wakes up in his arms and he doesn't put her down. "Ahh i'm fine put me down Alli, Alli please put me down"

"i'm sorry Ren but you are too weak to stand and you need medical attention"

"I can treat myself i can use healing magick just give me one second
' dolor et abstinere a sanguine '

"  little lights glow from her hands and all the blood stops bleeding out from her leg.

"y-you can use magick how much can you use?" Alli asks amazed that he found someone who can use magick.

"hm? i can only do some protection and healing spells"

"that's so cool"

"ha you call that cool i'm not really that good at it"

"it's still cool i mean i can't use any kind magick" Alli says leaning in admiration and notices how beautiful her eyes are on the top a slight red and the rest green then he has a hand over his eyes "huh why did you cover my eyes?"

"you haven't put me down yet and i'm perfectly healed" Rin said still having her hand over his eyes.

"hehe well maybe i won't put you down" he laughs mischievously.

"wha- i demand you put me down now Alli" she says hitting him on the head littlely.
" heh okay just don't hit me anymore" he's says putting her down. "why don't we go back to the orphanage"

"I have to leave after i say bye to mommy and Vina if she is still awake when we get there"

"okay" Alli says with a small smile.

She smiles back softly, it was nice to smile once in a while.

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