Chapter 18

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"are we done yet i'm so tired when can i rest, plus the sun is going down and i need to pack, and get up early in the morning" Rin says to Elizvett who is holding a sword for practice.

"Wow princess you sure do complain a lot, fine we'll be done for today but while you're gone i want you to practice that fan of yours got it" Elizvett says putting her sword down

" Got it i'll practice can i go now?" Rin asks panting from working so hard.

"okay dismissed go pack or whatever" she says moving her hand in a shoo shoo movement, and takes off her green jacket to relax.

"yes thank you" Rin bows and bolts to her room, not that she is excited but she must hurry to tell Alli what they had decided. getting ready she notices that all of her clothes are in her bags except for a few plus her commoner clothes "aw Mein you treat me so well you are such a great friend hehe" she put the clothes on the clothes inks her hair and grabs a bag full of things she got for the kids, Alli and Mommy.

she runs out the door through the garden and out the back gate. She sprints towards the orphanage and arrives sooner than she thought she would. she knocks on the door and Alli, in just his tighty whiteys, opens the door looking like he just got up from sleeping. 'woah didn't expect to see his underwear today but i guess this is just a good enough view he's got a lot of muscle, actually he's kinda hot, but that's not what i came here for' she thinks simply.

"uh Alli do you realise that you're in just your underwear?" Rin giggles as he looks down with a surprised face he slams the door shut and could hear him running around.

A few minutes later he opens the door again this time with clothes but blushing nonetheless. "come in the kids and mommy went out somewhere for her birthday" he says closing the door behind her.

"oh it's her birthday i didn't know, and hey why aren't you with them did you come from work and they had already left?"

"oh no i was waiting for you, you said you would be here but it took you so long that i just went to sleep"

"with no clothes on hm?" rin says giggling a little.

"ah well... anyway what did they say are you leaving?" he asks hope in his eyes for the best, but futile.

"yes, i'm leaving tomorrow before sunrise i'm moving east, oh and i have gifts for everyone including you, so here you go this is yours" rin says handing him a blue box.

"what's inside" he asks shaking it a little.

"well you have to open it if you want to find out, so open it" smiling she points at the present, "i promise it won't explode" she giggles at him for sniffing the box and putting his ear to the box.

"are you sure nothing will happen if i open it"

"i promise on my life" she says holding up her right hand

"well i you say so, here goes nothing" he opens the box and pulls out a pair of black gloves with the family crest in the middle. "woah isn't this the royal family crest" Alli asks pointing at the symbol in the middle.

"yup it sure is you can use this if you ever need to contact me just get a messenger from the palace show him the glove's crest and say send this to Arinorin Leari Cantorna Finnoria Verwald, and he will send it as soon as possible"

"wow that's a really long name who's is it?"

"it's the princess's name,"

"and why would you give these to me they look expensive, why not give this to like your girlfriend or wife or grandpa?" Alli asks cringing at the thought of him having a lover of any kind 'if he has a lover of any kind i'll have to go kill that person with or without money, Ren is mine, well sorta'

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