Chapter 13

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After coming home from seeing the family Rin falls asleep and as soon as she falls into sleep she wakes up. Mein was shaking her awake again "a few more minutes" Rin says to Mein who keeps shaking her.

"Rin you have to wake up Elizvett is calling a meeting in the garden again plus it's morning and you're late"

Rin bolts up and looks at Mein "wait i'm late, why didn't you wake me up Mein?" rin says jumping out of bed and putting her training clothes on and then her princess clothes over top. and her fan underneath.

"well you said you didn't care the first time and the second time you pushed me away saying that you'll kill me..."

"... well i was half asleep so don't know what i was saying" rin says now walking down the hallway quickly. she walks through hallways and passes maids and Mein is having trouble keeping up. they finally make it to the garden and Mein sits down heavily breathing. "you okay hehe"

"yeah just peachy" Mein says catching her breath

"well see you later" Rin walks into the garden and sees Elizvett sitting on the chair talking to Gilmber. On the table there is a sword a large one in fact. "hello Elizvett and Gilmber"

"i'm guessing you know what we are doing today, sword practice" Elizvett says picking up the sword and handing it to her.

"how heavy is it?" Rin asks holding her hand out to grab the sword and Elizvett drops it in her hands and Rin falls a little forward and holds it with both hands. "this thing is heavy it weighs a ton"

"well it is meant to be for a warrior not a little girl like yourself" elizvett says taking out her sword.

"then why the heck did you give me this it's way too heavy" Rin says putting one end down to inspect the sword. the sword was a very clean silver color and the handle was black with the wolf on one side and the demon on the other side.

"because you're going to train with it" she says and she put her swords tip pointing at Rin and says "do what i do and you'll learn to control that sword"

"huh okay" Rin says taking off her top dress and throws it to the ground, she holds up the sword and points it at Elizvett.

"good you're a little shaky but you'll be fine" Elizvett says and turns her sword to a tree and Rin copies.  Elizvett pulls her sword up and swings it down and repeats the process. "now do that until i say stop got it?"

"yeah" Rin does this process for an hour moving her foot each time forward and then back up then down with the sword over and over again.

"okay now do this" Elizvett says swinging her sword to the side and back again "got it?"

Rin pants a little "y-yeah" she does this process for two hours moving her feet the way Elizvett did, and Gilmber fall asleep in his chair from doing nothing. After Two hours of this Elizvett gets up.

"okay next what you're going to do is this" she says taking the sword and with one hand swipes in an upward angle spreading her leg open a little "got it"

"hu hu yeah" Rin says barely standing and panting like crazy. she does this movement for a whole two hours before Elizvett intervenes.

"it's getting late why don't you go to your room and go sleep" Elizvett says taking the sword from Rin who almost falls over.

"o-okay" Rin says grabbing her over dress and puts it on and walks out of the garden. Rin sees Mein pacing back and forth and biting her nail. "Mein what are you doing let's go back"

"oh i was just waiting for you yes let's go back are you going back for more sleep?" Mein asks walking next to Rin

"yeah i'm tired" Rin says walking through the door and up stairs and through the hallways. Rin comes to her door and turns around "bye Mein see you tomorrow" Rin says walking into her door without letting Mein say bye. Rin jumps onto her bed tired and the last thought she had was 'i didn't get to go the orphanage' and then she fell asleep.

Mein was standing by the door happy her friend had gotten to get a little bit of sleep. And back at the orphanage everything was still Alli was sitting on the couch and the children were waiting by the door.

"what are you guy doing?" Alli asks wondering why they were by the door.

"we're waiting for Ren" Able says staring at the door never looking away.

"yeah he would be he by now wouldn't he?" Toni asks

"yeah i guess..." Alli answers now getting worried himself.

"he probably can't come tonight so don't worry about it Alli, kids" mommy says coming in the room from the kitchen "now let's eat"

"i'm not  hungry, thank you though" Alli says going up to the attic where his room is. there are four level just not spacey levels but Alli gets just the attic to himself. As Alli lays down in his bed he starts thinking about Ren. 'I wonder what Ren is doing right now, i wonder where he is... i wonder how he feels about me... what no i did not mean that, no no no no no. I just need to sleep it off' he thinks and turns over to see Rin next to him. "huh?" Alli looks again and Rin's gone. 'i'm going crazy but i do miss him' and he falls asleep.

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