chapter 23

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this will be discontinued soon lol

"Damn this is a total mess" Arthen says from behind Alli who just did a job for his master. There was blood everywhere around the room on the ceiling, the walls, and the floor was covered. Alli was panting his eyes still glowing a little with magick, he too was covered in blood his knifes were drenched in the man's blood.

"Yeah i guess" was his only reply to Arthen, who was now using his magick to clean up some of the mess.

"Are you still tense about that chick leaving you? I don't know why she wasn't that great or pretty-" Arthen was cut off by Alli putting his hand around Arthen's throat.

"Don't talk that way about her" was Alli's only warning to Arthen. He nodded and Alli let go and jumped out the window and went back to his room in his house over 50 miles away.

"Here why don't i teleport you" he says sarcastically waving his hand and Alli goes straight to his room. Alli undresses and cleans himself up with a bucket of water. Once he gets back into clothes he sees his reflection staring back at him. What he saw in himself scared him little, a boy with cold sharp eyes and a thin face yet angular to where he was handsome, but the blood on his face made him look like a killer, which he was.

"...Ren..." he says to himself, ever since she left he had taken more jobs to take his mind off her but it only made him think a little more about her. "If," he says a little, "if you saw me like this what would you think of me?" He says quietly to his reflection who only stared back to him. His deep thoughts came in and they said something he hated to think about.

"Why don't you know Alli, she would scream and call you a monster and run away from you" his thought said darkly.

"N-No she wouldn't she ca-"

"What do you think she actually cares about you? YOU FOOL! She only cares about the kids, now if you got rid -"

"NO SHUT UP I'LL NEVER!" Alli yelled back at his own mind and grabbed his head and crouched down into a fetal position. Tears ran down his face "when will you be back Ren, i need you" he said sadly he hated this side of himself, this side would always disappear when Ren was around.

He fell asleep his hands still on his head, but what was different about tonight was that he had a beautiful dream about Ren in a white gown and his head was in her lap as she sung a wonderful song as she stroked his hair in a golden field. He wished it would last forever, but of course dreams never last.


He woke up sad that the dream didn't last longer, but his crazy dark thoughts were completely gone as if they were never there and had a fluttery feeling in his heart.

"Did you really come to visit me?" He looked through his skylight window as he clutched his heart. He breathed heavily and smiled at his reflection in the water, his eyes were much more lively and bright as if someone had cleared them of his troubles. 

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